Learn, Train and Go – Part 3
September 4, 2016

Learn, Train and Go – Part 3

Passage: Luke 9
Service Type:

Bible Text: Luke 9 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship

— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
We have seen people, some high profile people, fail in some way morally or ethically. Some examples… Perhaps we have experienced failures in our own lives. God’s desire is that we learn form our failures, and then, by His grace, to grow in character and wisdom. God wants us to learn, train, and go.

1. Know the Surprising Origin of Failure
1. It is rooted in pride
2. It usually happens at the point of our highest achievements
3. It usually happens when we are under pressure
4. For a Christ follower, it usually is rooted in a lack of self-leadership (discipleship)

2. Know What Not to Do
1. Don’t deny the failure
2. Don’t blame others
3. Don’t run from it
4. Don’t try to go around it or climb over it or go under it to avoid it
1. God will always bring you back to face your point of failure

3. Admit the Failure
1. This can be a painful process, but much needed
2. Be very specific
3. Acknowledge it as sin e.g. rebellion against God
4. Take responsibility for it
5. Confess and repent of it before God
6. Trust God’s process
7. Let God give you an open and contrite heart to learn from the consequences of the failure
8. Receive God’s forgiveness and grace
9. Forgive others who may have wronged you
10. Go on in humble and loving obedience with Christ

4. Walk By Faith
1. God will lead us through the failure
2. God will help us to walk with Him
3. God will build our character
4. God is able and willing to redeem our failure

One of the most appropriate places to deal with failure is around the Lord’s table.
Trust God in the process