Know Your Inheritance!
Bible Text: 1 Peter | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: Isn’t it wonderful we parents or grandparents provide an inheritance for their loved ones? An inheritance is a promise. If a promise is made by someone who is responsible and has integrity, this produces hope in the recipient. However, the value of the inheritance may fluctuate depending on interest rates, stock market, and inflation. Many times, families will argue and quarrel over who is entitled to what and how much.
The Bible says that Christ followers have an inheritance that can never perish, spoil and fade. When the God of the universe makes a promise of inheritance, it will come to pass with no issues, arguing, or quarreling. God never reneges on a promise. Nor will God ever lie to us.
Peter opens his letter to the Christ followers who are scattered in Asia Minor with a message of hope. They may have been scattered because of persecution directed towards Christ followers. They may have been discourage, confused, and tired. They needed a real hope that is anchored in the promises of the One with love, integrity, and unchangeable.
1. Praise God the Father Of Our Lord Jesus Christ: v. 3-5
1. Praise Him for His great mercy and inheritance (hope)
1. He has given us new birth into a living hope
1. Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead
2. Hope is living because Christ is living
3. Hope starts with a new beginning in Christ
2. And into an heritance
1. It can never perish, spoil, or fade
2. It is guarded for us in heaven
1. By faith, it is shielded by God’s power
2. It is protected until the Second Coming of Christ
2. Hope Helps Us to Endure and Rejoice in God’s hope even if we suffer: v. 6-9
1. We may suffer all kinds of trials
2. Suffering has purpose when we are loving obedient to God:
1. These trials can refine our faith and obedience in God so that our faith me be show to be genuine and real
2. When we obey in the power of the Holy Spirit, under the authority of God’s Word, the result is praise, glory, and honor for Jesus when He comes back again
1. Our personal relationship with Jesus is deepened through these trials even though we have not physically seen Him.
1. We fall deeper in love with Him and are filled with inexpressible and glorious joy and enjoying our salvation in Christ
2.Through faith, we can know Christ intimately
3. Hope Was preached By the Prophets: v. 10-12
1. This is the grace of God
1. They told of the first coming of Jesus and our great salvation
2. Even the angels were fascinated by God’s great grace in Christ
Closing: What does this mean for us?
1. Realize that God sees the big picture of our circumstances. Therefore, rather than just fixate on our present circumstance, we need to lift our eyes to God and trust Him in the process. Loving obedience to God can replace despair into hope.
2. Yield to the Word of God and the Spirit of God when we suffer trials. He will empower us to continue on with Him and trust Him for an outcome that will honor Him and bring Him glory.