Know Who We Are in Christ!
Bible Text: 1 Peter 2 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: With all that is going on in our culture and country, you and I need to be anchored in our true identity as Christ followers. I meet so many people these days who say they have to “find themselves”. Let me suggest to you that a person will never truly find themselves apart from God and a personal relationship by faith with the Lord Jesus Christ. Here is why. If we anchor our identity in our family of origin, our looks, the latest trends, our jobs, our possessions, or the approval of people, we will be in trouble.
In this passage, Peter gives us great insights into our true identity.
1. Christ is the Cornerstone and Foundation of Our Identity and the Church
1. Living stones
1. Part of a spiritual house
2. A Holy Priesthood
1. Offering spiritual sacrifices to God through Jesus Christ
2. Christ is our Lord and Savior or He is a Stumbling Block
1. The word, “rejected” means to discard after an examination
1. As a result, they fall and fail
3. When Scripture Repeats Truths About Our Identity, They Are Important!
1. We are a chosen people
2. We are a royal priesthood
3. Together, a holy nation
4. God’s special posssesion
1. For the purpose of proclaiming His praises
1. He called us out of darkness into His wonder light of freedom
2. Before Christ, we were lost, but in Christ, we are the people of God
4. So What???
1. Live godly lives in a pagan world
2. Abstain from sinful desires
3. Love God, yourself, and your neighbor