“Know the Risen Christ” Revelation 1:1-17
Intro: “He Is Risen! He has risen indeed!” This Easter morning, this Resurrection Sunday, we can proclaim with complete confidence and joy that Jesus has conquered sin, death, and the devil! Jesus paid the total penalty for all your sin and mine so that we would be forgiven by faith in Him alone. Through His grace and received by faith alone, He gives us the Holy Spirit, who gives us new life in Christ from the inside out. As we learn the Scriptures and grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ, He gives us a new purpose to glorify Him.
The death and the resurrection of Christ is the second exodus in that, as the first exodus, God miraculously and graciously freed Israel from captivity and slavery; now God graciously frees us from the imprisonment and penalty of sin so that we can be free to obey Him by faith lovingly. This morning, I would like to look with you through the Apostle John’s eyes to know the Risen Christ better.