“Know the Real Christ!” Colossians 2:9-15
Jesus Is Fully God and Fully Man v. 9
This directly addresses the Gnostic false teachers e.g. Jesus have a physical body.
Therefore, matter cannot be evil
Being fully God and fully man made him the perfect atonement through His substitutionary death on the cross
He paid the Father’s just penalty for sin once and for all
Jesus came to fully reveal God to a lost world
God’s love and grace through the Person and work of Christ
Jesus Is the King v. 10
Christ is the Sovereign King
He is head over every power and authority on this planet
He puts leaders in power and removes them for His purposes
Jesus Gives Us a New Heart vs. 11-12
Circumcision was to be a symbol of what faith in God through the Person and work of Christ looks like in a person’s heart.
Christ changes people from the inside out through His Word, the Holy Spirit, prayer, and a deepening love for and dependence on Jesus Christ
This circumcision if done in the power of the Holy Spirit, not with human hands,
For us baptism is a symbol of the rule of the flesh being buried with Christ and raised up in new life by faith in God through Christ
Jesus Gives Us a New Life vs. 13-14
We were spiritually dead in out sins and the desires of the flesh ruled us
God give us new life through the person and work of Christ
Because of Christ’s substitutionary death, He took the full wrath of the Father so that our legal debts are cancelled once for all
They no longer stand against us
Christ took them away and nailed our legal debts to the cross
Jesus Is the Victorious Christ vs 15
Because of the cross and resurrection, Christ disarmed the evil powers and authorities
He did it very publicly
The cross broke their power once for all