“Know The Power of the Word!” Luke 24:13-35
Bible Text: Luke 24:13-35 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | “Know the Power of the Word!” Luke 24:13-35
Intro: We have been or are going through times of confusion, foggy thinking, and or discouragement. When we go through difficult times , it is important that we honestly acknowledge and own our feelings. It is also vitally important be bring those feeling to Jesus and ask Him for help to work through the issues.
Dr. Luke gives us great insights in this passage about two disciples who were going through a difficult and confusing time on that first Easter Sunday.
When we are going through difficult times, we need the Word and the Holy Spirit to release the power of the Word into our lives.
1. The Word Can Clear Up Confusion v. 13-18
1. They talked and were debating everything that happened over the weekend
1. The fact that they were having an intense discussion suggested they were confused and foggy in their thinking
2. Jesus graciously joins the conversation (they didn’t recognize Him)
1. He asks a pointed question
2. They were downcast e.g. discouraged and without hope
2. The Word Can Lift Us Up v. 19-24
1. Jesus got them talking about Jesus
1. They knew He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all people
2. They saw Him crucified
3. They were expecting a militant Messiah
4. They heard the tomb was empty
5. They heard that He was alive
2. Jesus explains the Scriptures to them
1. The prophets told of a suffering Messiah
2. Jesus gave them a tour of the Old Testament and showed them the Jesus is the centerpiece of the Scriptures
3. The disciples could not get enough of the Word
1. They asked Jesus to stay with them for dinner
2. Jesus graciously accepted
3. The Word Empowers Us the Share v. 25-35
1. They were sharing dinner
1. He broke bread and gave thanks
2. Their eyes were opened and they recognized Him
3. They experienced holy heartburn
2. They got up immediately to share
1. With the Eleven
2. With others along their journeys
3. They just could not keep it to themselves!
I believe we need to ask the Holy Spirit to renew in us an insatiable hunger for God’s Word. We also need to come before God and confess and repent of our sin so God’s Word can work in and through us from the inside out.
So are we willing to give to God our confusion, discouragement., and worry? Are we willing to let the Word of God lift us up above the circumstances? Will we let the Word of God empower us to share?