“Know the Power of the Gospel!” Acts 2:14-41
Bible Text: Acts 2:14-41 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | “Know the Power of the Gospel!” Acts 2:14-41
Intro: Have you ever had a fear of speaking or singing in public before a group of people? If you have ever had that experience, do you remember how your stomach felt or your hands were cold and clammy? Are you able to imagine that you would have to speak in front of a group of thousands without a microphone and loud speakers? Then, you had to speak with no preparation or note? And, last, add on top of that, people know that you are not perfect and you are just coming out of a major failure. How would you feel?
This was Peter’s experience on the day of Pentecost. In this passage, Dr. Luke gives us valuable insights which can apply to all of us in this day and age. Why? The answer is simple: we are all commissioned to lovingly and boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
First, the power of the Holy Spirit and the gospel was prophesied in the Old Testament. Second, the focus of the gospel is the Lord Jesus Christ. Third, the Holy Spirit gives power to the gospel to save rebels and sinners!
1. Power of the Holy Spirit Prophesied v. 14-21
1. Joel 2:28-32
1. Prophecy calls people to repentance and faith in Christ
2. Prophecy has a fulfillment in the near future and at the Second Coming
2. The Holy Spirit will dwell in all believers, men and women and young and old
3. The wonders of tongues at Pentecost and the Resurrection
1. And the future fulfillment when the Lord comes back again e.g. Revelation
4. Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.
2. The Focus of the Gospel, Jesus Christ v. 22-35
1. Jesus was accredited by God to you
1. Miracles, signs and wonders
2. God worked in and through Jesus
2. God’s deliberate plan for Jesus
1. He was handed over to the be crucified with the help of wicked men
2. God raised Jesus from the dead defeating death, sin, and the grave
1. King David prophesied about Jesus Psalm 16:8-11
3. There were many witnesses to the resurrection
1. We are all responsible for sending Jesus to the cross
2. Jesus born into this present evil age. crucified for nothing more than loving people and paying the penalty for their sin, buried, and resurrected by the power of the Holy Spirit
3. The Holy Spirit Gives Power to the Gospel to Save Sinners v. 36-41
1. Jesus is both Lord and Messiah
2. The Holy Spirit opens people’s hearts to this if they are open
3. The only appropriate response to the gospel is repentance and faith
1. Explain the difference between false repentance and true repentance
2. The moment we trust Christ as our Lord and Savior, the holy Spirit takes up residence in your hearts
4. About 3,000 people were added to the church that day!
Closing: My prayer is that we don’t become so familiar with the power of the gospel, we loose our passion to share the gospel. Also, the gospel doesn’t discriminate. It is open to anyone who would call upon the name of the Lord. Remember this, someone took the time to love you, build a friendship with you, and lovingly told you about the Lord, Jesus Christ. Will we pass it on? You and I are commanded to do just that in the grace, love, and power of the Holy Spirit.
When we have the opportunity to share the gospel in love, will we depend on the Holy Spirit? Are we willing to point people to the focus of the gospel, Jesus Christ? Are we humbled that the Lord is able to save a wretch like me?