Know the Power of Being an Obedient and Authentic Dad!
Bible Text: John 15:5-17 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —-
Intro: We come today to honor dads and grads. I thank God every day for those dads who take responsibility for the support and welfare of their children. Being a parent is an awesome and daunting responsibility. There are also times in life for which parenting can be come confusing and challenging at times. What do we do during those times are just as important as what we do when times are good. So, the question I want to raise this morning is what can we do as dads to becoming a more loving and a better father? Let me frame this out by saying the for all dads and parents in general, there is always room for improvement.
In John 15:5-7, Jesus gives us some great keys to becoming a better dad:
1. The First Key: Dads Need to Continually Be Plugged Into Christ v. 5-8
1. This is a daily choice
2. We need to be intentional in our personal walk with Christ
3. We need to understand that communion with and obedience to Christ bears much fruit
1. When we choose to disengage from Christ, we will not be as effective as God wants us to be
2. We need to learn to love as Christ loves
2. The Second Key: Dads Need to Pray v. 8-15
1. Pray for the ability to love our wives and children as men with integrity
1. This type of love is not a love that is without discipline
1. It is a love that encourages and gives praise
2. It is a love that will also lovingly discipline when a child is misbehaving
2. This type of love is sacrificial love
1. It is a love that is willing to give time, talent, and treasure to our wives and children
2. It is a love that holds no accounts and doesn’t manipulate
3. This type of love is supernatural through the Holy Spirit
1. We need God’s help to love this way
1. We just sang, “Grace Alone”
2. Anything lasting we do is through the fruit of the Spirit
The Greatest Gift from Fathers to Their Children
“The greatest gift a father can give to his children is to love their mother.”—Unknown
Fathers, Love, Quote, Marriage
2. Pray for wisdom
1. We will face situations for which we don’t have all the answers
2. We will face surprise challenges
3. Pray for the ability to be authentic with our children
1. Admit when we are wrong and ask forgiveness
2. Admit we are not perfect
3. Admit we are just still a work in progress
3. The Third Key: Dads Need to Make Time For Christ and Their Wives and Their Children
1. As God grants wisdom, readjust your priorities to make time for family
2. Make time to listen
3. Make time to encourage
4. Make time to teach
5. Make time to love
4. The Fourth Key: Enjoy God’s Blessings and Fruit
1. Peace of mind
2. Answers to prayer
3. Strength for obedience and perseverance for the tough times
4. The fruit of the Spirit in you life
Closing: Fathers, Grandfathers and Great Grandfathers, these keys can make a difference in being a godly father. The power of being an obedient and authentic dad is love our wives and children with the love of Christ and to leave a legacy of love produced by the fruit of the Spirit. Dads, are we willing by God’s grace to submit to Him.