Know the Dangers of Legalism!
Bible Text: Colossians 2 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
What happens when we forget about God and start living by man’s rules?
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: Have you ever met an arrogant or obnoxious person who thought they knew everything and at the same time thought they were humble? When this attitude is mixed with religious rules and regulations set by human beings, this is a combination that is both destructive and enticing. Legalism does several things. First, it will result in stunted spiritual growth and freedom. Second, it feeds our egos that gives birth to religious pride. Third, legalism puts us in bondage that ensnares us. Last, legalism can never change to inner being. Therefore, legalism produces nothing but a shallow image that looks good on the outside but is hollow on the inside.
In the church of Colossae, there were people teaching the Christ followers that to really earn God’s love and forgiveness and be a “real christian”, they needed to involve themselves in three areas called legalisms, mysticism, and asceticism.
Today, in this passage, Paul reminds us that the cross of Christ sets us free from any religious traditions or religious human laws. He gives us some very practical steps that will help us live in the freedom which Christ won for us on the cross and through His Resurrection.
1. Beware of Those Who Judge the Externals
1. Legalism comes from human rules and regulations
2. Mysticism is the belief if one has dreams and visions of “deeper religious things”, they are more spiritual.
3. Asceticism is the belief that the body is evil.
1. Beat and/or treat the body harshly to earn God’s love
2. Give your body over to all immorality. As long as your spirit is right, then the body doesn’t matter.
4. Legalism will isolate a church from the world
1. We are call to be in the world, not of the world
2. We develop a holier than thou attitude
3. Legalism focuses on image not on the heart
1. Example: David was chosen as Israel’s King
2. Example: The Publican and the sinner
5. Legalism usually starts small in a church and the spreads like a cancer
1. Legalism ignores grace
2. Legalism squashes love
2. Keep the Focus on Christ
1. Grace does not need anything added to it
2. Grace is free and undeserved
3. Grace is the result of God’s unconditional love
3. Abide in Christ by Faith
1. True spiritual growth and maturity can only come from being united with Christ through the Holy Spirit as we let Him change us from the inside out
2. Our loving obedience to Christ and the Word will be empowered by Christ’s love for us.
3. Spiritual maturity can only happen by God’s grace as He changes us from the inside out
Let me ask some hard questions today. Is our focus only on the image of looking religious or holy? Is our focus on building up our own egos and pride? Is our focus on our sin and failure alone, or is it on the forgiving grace of God. Do we need to let God correct our focus this morning? I invite all of us to live in the freedom that Christ won for us on the cross.