Know the Danger of Sin!
Bible Text: Leviticus 13 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: The Bible uses many great illustrations of sin. For instance, the Bible uses yeast or leaven as an illustration of the effects of sin. In this passage, we see the concern of God for the welfare of His people when dealing with diseases of the skin. God give people some very practical helps here that might benefit them, their family, and the community. In doing so, I believe that God is continuing to teach the nation of Israel about the dangers of sin. I want to be very cautious here. I am not saying that every disease of the skin is caused by a personal specific sin. You and I know since we live in a world that has been affected by Adam’s sin in the garden, all creation was cursed and so disease entered the world. Many times you and I get diseases through no direct sin of ours.
As God gives instructions in Leviticus 13, we can identify up some key concepts that God wants us to know about the danger of sin. As God teaches about infectious skin diseases, He is also showing us the personal sin also will cause damage to our physical body and our spiritual spiritual health.
Sin must be identified v. 1-6
Illus: A physician cannot treat a disease adequately unless he can accurately diagnose the specific disease
We have the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to identify our specific sin
Symptoms help a physician identify a specific disease
The disease is usually deeper than the sympotms
We sometimes can see the outward or surface symptoms of sin, but the real problem is very deep
The root of all sin lays in the heart of men and women
Unchecked sin spreads and can eventually make us numb to sin and its affects
Illus: The progression of leprosy. It presents symptoms on the skin, but when left unchecked it progresses to the joints and nerves and can produce numbness
If we refuse to identify our particular sin and leave it unchecked, we may grow so numb to it, we think we can ignore it
Unchecked sin can isolate us
We see this happening in relationships.
We see this happening in churches
We see this happening in communities
Sin must be treated v. 8
The only cure is Jesus Christ
He can change hearts
The heart is the root of sin
Closing: Do we acknowledge that sin is like a disease. If left unidentified and unchecked, it can and will produce bad results. Therefore, wWhen the Word of God and the Holy Spirit examine us and sin is identified, you and I need to:
Name it specifically
Take responsibility for it
Repent and confess it before God
Ask forgiveness of others who were offended
Trust God’s provision for cleansing: 1 John 1:9