Know the Author and Giver of Life!
Bible Text: John 11 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
What does the resuscitation of Lazurus mean for us today?
—— Pastor Lou’s Notes ——-
Illustration: Someone codes in a hospital.
An illustration people will never forget.
1. Background
1. Jesus was close to Lazarus, Martha, and Mary
2. The sisters sent a messenger to Lazarus that he was sick
2. Jesus prophetical: This sickness will not end in death.
1. Explain the thinking in Jesus day
3. Jesus waited on God’s timing
1. Notice He didn’t rush
2. Jesus knew God’s bigger purpose
4. Jesus responded despite great threat upon His life
1. Jesus uses the illustration of walking in the light vs. walking in the dark
2. Walking in the light is waking in God’s will
3. Walking in the dark is walking in a sinful manner
4. Explain miracles always point to God’s stamp of approval on Jesus’ sonship
5. Lazarus was dead…Martha’s profession of her faith
1. When Jesus arrived, Lazarus had been dead for four days already
2. Martha goes out to meet Jesus at Bethany
1. “Lord, if you were here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even God will give you whatever you ask.”
3. “Lazarus will rise again”
1. Martha’s affirmation about the resurrection
2. Jesus great declaration…unpack this.
3. Jesus’ question
4. Martha’s faith has content
6. Lazarus was given life
1. Jesus’ love and compassion
2. Jesus desire is that no one should die
3. Jesus is the resurrection and the life
1. These are intrinsic to Jesus’ person
2. In Christ alone is salvation, new life, and the sure hope of the resurrection
3. Explain the already/not yet.