“Know That God Is Fair!” Romans 9:14-29
Even on our best days, our concept of fairness is still tainted by self-interest because we still battle our sinful nature. Our culture has dismissed God and His Word. However, God’s Word is not just a book; it’s a guide that reveals to us that He sets the standard for fairness. Without God’s Word as our guide and final authority, we cannot measure our fairness to others.
This even taints how we view God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Let’s look at just two examples. The first is in Matthew 20:1-16, The Parable of the Vineyard Workers. The second is found in Luke 23:39-43.
Sometimes, God’s sovereignty and grace don’t seem fair to our finite, sinful human minds. Do you mean to say that if a horrible criminal in prison or on death row genuinely repents and trusts Christ as their Lord and Savior, they would be saved? The answer is a resounding yes. Is that fair? Absolutely!
In this passage, Paul wanted his readers to know that God is fair in all He does in His sovereignty.