Know Our God Given Rhythms! Part 4
Bible Text: Levitivus 23 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Generally speaking, is it a fair statement to say that we tend to remember and hold on to things that offend us or displease us? It is also fair to say that we tend to forget all too quickly blessings we receive from God and other?
We tend to be a people who forget very easily. I believe our old self-centered sin nature seems to do battle with our new nature in Christ. When we choose to yield to our old nature, we tend to quickly forget God’s grace and blessings. God knows us better than we know ourselves and gives us rhythms that we might be reminded of God’s love and grace. The last two festivals in this chapter gives us some great ways we can remember and celebrate God’s grace, forgiveness, and provision.
1. Remember and Celebrate God’s Grace and Forgiveness v. 20-32 Part 4
1. The Day of Atonement e.g God’s incredible grace and forgiveness
1. Once a year right after Rosh Hashanah
2. Hold a sacred assembly
1. Fast, pray, and confess sin
1. Sundown to Sundown
2. Present a food offering
3. Don’t do any work
4. Atonement is made for the Jewish nation before God
1. Can only be made by the High Priest
2. He must be consecrated and without sin
3. The sin offering must be unblemished
4. The scapegoat is a substitute who takes on all the sin of Israel
2. The Cross of Christ e.g. God’s incredible grace and forgiveness
1. This was done once for all
2. Jesus is the High Priest who is perfectly holy
3. Jesus is the unblemished Lamb whose blood atoned for sin
4. Jesus took on or became sin
5. Jesus is our substitute
1. Illus. You go to court for a criminal charge. The judge finds you guilty and gives you a life sentence in jail. He then comes down from the bench, takes off his robe and tells you he is going to serve your entire sentence so that your offense is forgiven and wiped clean. How would you feel? This is an incredible act of grace.
2. Know the Joy of the Lord v. 33-44
1. The Festival of Tabernacles
1. This is a seven day festival
1. Begins with a sacred assembly and ends with a sacred assembly and do no regular work
2. Every day a food offering is made to the Lord as well as at the last sacred assembly
3. People and families were to live in temporary shelters
4. Remember God’s provision for the Jews in their 40 year journey in the desert on their way to the promised land
5. Joy will always come after repentance and confession
6. God provides for us and His creation jubliees
2. Christ followers
1. Remember Christ’s provision and grace
1. God provided the way out of the slavery of sin through Christ
2. We are adopted into God’s family the moment we trust Christ as Lord and Savior
3. Christ will never leave us or forsake us
4. Only Jesus can fully meet our needs
1. The need for security
2. The need for significance
5. Joy will always come after repentance and confession
Closing: Jesus gives to His followers a rhythm e.g. a periodic reminder to be practiced by faith. It is the Lord’s table. At the table, we have the opportunity to remember this amazing atonement that was done for each of us at the cross of Christ. It also should be a time of sincere repentance and confession. It is an intimate moment when you and I can experience the forgiveness and renewal that only can come through Christ. It is also a precious time when we can be reminded that He is coming back again! In the meantime, we ask for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to develop in us from the inside out Christ’s character so that we can be salt and light in a very bitter and dark world.