Know Our God Given Rhythms Part 2
Bible Text: Leviticus 23 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: How many of you know what rhythm is? As you observe God’s creation, His rhythms are all around us. He created day and night, the four seasons, a 24 hour day, and many more. When God created the human body, He created it with natural rhythms. God also created the body with an internal clock called circadian rhythm. This is an observable and measurable 24 hour rhythm of biological functions of the human body.
I would suggest that God created for us spiritual and emotion rhythms that are necessary for our spiritual and emotional health. I would also suggest we become very unhealthy when we ignore or disregard these God given rhythms. For example, physicians will tell their patients that if they ignore or don’t pay attention to their circadian rhythms, their bodies are more susceptible to disease.
So, I would ask the question, do you want to becomes spiritually and emotionally healthy? Are you willing to reevaluate your priorities and schedules? The most paramount question is, are you willing to listen the the Great Physician’s prescription as to becoming spiritually and emotionally healthier?
Leviticus 23 gives us some great insights into a healthy spiritual and emotional rhythm. God gives to Moses the following directions to put on their calendar! Let’s take a look.
1. Take a Sabbath Every Week v. 3
1. God set the example for us in Genesis 1-2
1. For our Jewish friends, the Sabbath is Saturday. For Christ followers, we celebrate on Sunday because of Christ’s resurrection.
2. What if you work on Sundays?
2. This should be a non-negotiable for Christ Followers
3. This should be in our appointment book every week.
1. Illustration: Everyone deserves a “snow” day to unplug, relax, recharge, and relate
4. I would suggest that every day we make time for a “daily office” or a daily Sabbath with Christ
1. Reading of Scripture
2. Meditation and Silence
3. Worship
4. Journaling
2. Remember and Celebrate that Jesus Died For Our Sin v. 4-8
1. The Passover was done by faith
1. The blood of the perfect lamb needed to be applied to the top and sides of the door for the angel of death to skip that house.
2. The blood of God’s Perfect Lamb needs to be applied by faith to our hearts so that we can be saved from the death sin brings.
2. Christ died in our place and took our punishment
3. Remember the great transaction
4. We need to remember this and celebrate with deep reverence, devotion, and thanksgiving
3. Remember We Are Called to Be Holy v. 6-8 part 2
1. Illustration: heart beat
1. Scripture uses leaven or yeast as an illustration for sin
2. The use of unleavened bread symbolized a break between the life of slavery in Egypt and the new life of faith in Christ
3. Just a little bit of leaven or yeast can be very infectious
1. See 2 Corinthians 5:6-8
4. We need to be reminded about the utter sinfulness of sin
5. Exercise the gift of confession and repentance
4. Remember and Celebrate that Jesus Was Raised From the Dead v. 9-14
1. So What???
1. Think if there was no resurrection
1. What would happen if this was all unture?
2. The first fruits belong to the Lord
1. This was symbolized by the waving of the first sheave of barley from the field
2. This was a symbol of thanksgiving and a grateful heart
3. Jesus resurrection from the first fruits from the dead (1 Cor. 15;20)
4. This celebration took place on the first day of the week e.g. Sunday
1. Please don’t make Sunday a day to “catch up”
2. Please don’t ignore corporate worship
3. Please don’t ignore being with family and friends
5. God received and accepted Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross
1. Therefore, when we place our trust in Christ, God accepts us into his family
2. We live because Jesus lives!
6. Out of a grateful heart, we need to give to God the best we have, because He gave us His best e.g. His Son
Closing: How do our calendars look? Do we make, value, and keep appointments with Jesus? Are we willing to embrace the rhythms God has set up for our spiritual and emotional health? Do we trust God enough to do what He says is good and healthy for us? These can be sacred moments.