“Jesus, Who Do You Think You Are?” John 8:48-59
Last week, we talked about some of the consequences of original sin. Original sin makes us more prone to believe lies than God’s truth. Let me illustrate this concept with some examples:
If the internet says it, it must be true.
If the View, CNN. Fox, Hollywood, and the politicians say it is true; it must be true.
It must be true if they say the Bible is antiquated and full of errors.
It must be true if they say Jesus was just a good man.
If the professors and teachers say, there is no absolute truth, that must be true.
Recognize the contradiction in this statement.
If religious leaders claim to be the final authority rather than the Bible, they must be telling the truth.
Review the dangers in trends and traditions to be the final authority; that must be true.
Jesus addressed this issue head-on in the pericope today.