“Jesus Said, ‘I Am the Light of the World’.” So What?
“Jesus Said, ‘I Am the Light of the World’.” So What?Intro: Most of us remember the night when the lights went out with superstorm Sandy in late October of 2012. It wasn’t a very pleasant experience. Many of us did not have electricity for lights for days and, in most cases, for weeks. We also know that a lot of bad things can happen in the darkness: robbery, looting, violence, and other crimes. The night seemed so much darker without lights and power. No streetlights, no lights in our homes, no television, no heat, etc. So, a flashlight or a candle gave us enough light to help us feel a bit more safe and secure. The Bible uses the imagery of light and darkness many times. The Bible refers to darkness as a cover for all sorts of evil. In fact, the Scripture says the all who are without a personal relationship with Christ through faith are living in darkness. We need to take a moment and meditate on this. The darkness of evil and sin is the reason that our world is in constant conflict and chaos. So, for those of us who understand this, the question then becomes, who can bring the light of hope which darkness can never conquer? The only answer to that question is Jesus Christ. In this passage, Jesus makes an astounding and scandalous declaration that He is the Light of the world! So, I need to ask the question, so what? Jesus Is the Only One Who Conquered Darkness v. 12Jesus said, “I am the light of the world”Explain the woman who was caught in adulteryThe light of Jesus righteousness and grace was driven home in this confrontationLight will always expose sin that is covered by the deepest darknessWhoever trusts Christ by faith and lovingly follows Him will never walk in darknessWhen we put our trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ, He indwells us through the Holy SpiritThrough yielding to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, you and I can have the light of lifeIsn’t this a tremendous statement?The power of darkness and sin was broken at the cross and resurrection of ChristMany Who Walk In Darkness Will Not Welcome the Light of Christ v. 13-20The religious establishment was infuriated by this statement because Jesus declared Himself to be God in the fleshThose who walk in darkness will try to discredit the Truth e.g. the Light and Its SourceThe legalistic religious people tried to discredit Jesus with the LawThey tried to invalidate His testimony because he appeared as His own witnessJesus flawlessly refutes their argument which infuriates them even moreJesus’ testimony is validHe knows where He came from and where He is going… explainThey are blind even to the Light of the worldHis holy light exposes their darkness, sin, and hypocrisyJesus did not come to judge, that was not His chief purposeWhen He does judge, it is not by man’s laws, but by His righteousnessThere are in fact two witnessed, Himself and the FatherThey tried to discredit the second witnessThey aske, “Where is your father?”This was their fatal errorJesus tells them plainly that if they really knew Him, they would know the Father Closing: I believe that one of the reasons for Christmas lights wasn’t just to see who has the best decorations, but to be a symbol of Jesus Who is the Light of the World! So, what can we take away from this?:The Bible says that when Christ followers walk in His light, His light shines through us to othersJesus is the only hope for this world that is ruled by evil’s darknessJesus is able to break the power of darkness by faith, repentance, and loving obedienceAre we walking in His light or in the darkness?