“Jesus, God’s Son!” John 10:22-42
What are some theories or principles which we are asked to believe in this day and age? Let me list some: the big bang theory, evolution theory, woke theory, the flat earth theory, the Bible is an antiquated document written solely by men, science will come to a point where we will not need God, life doesn’t start at conception, and there are 74 genders. Despite what the Scriptures tell us and significant evidence, many people tend to believe the lies of this world rather than the truth.
In this passage, we will see how easily people dismissed and rejected the truth of who Jesus is. Even with the living truth speaking to them, they refused to believe Jesus. Most things have stayed the same in 2000 years. Jesus still says plainly to people, and many still choose to reject him.
Let’s dig into this passage in which Jesus makes a fantastic claim with a promise.