“Jesus Gives Sight to a Blind Man!” John 9:1-41 Part 2
ntro: Have you ever met a superstitious person? Let me give you some examples:
If you break a mirror, you will have seven years of bad luck.
You will have bad luck if you see a black cat on Friday the 13th.
If you throw salt over your left shoulder, that will bring you good luck.
If you pass on this chain letter, you will get money.
You will receive money if you get Pastor So and So’s miracle water.
If you buy this holy handkerchief, you will be healed.
There are many more.
This same type of thinking of religious leaders who are superficial and legalistic always results in bad theology, which causes grief and false guilt when people are going through circumstances beyond their control. In this pericope, Jesus graciously heals a man who was blind from birth. When Jesus healed this man, He taught His disciples a wonderful lesson about bad theology. At the same time, Jesus infuriated the Pharisees by exposing their bad theology, inhumanity, and self-righteousness.
Let’s take a deep look at this passage.