“It’s All About Perspective!” Ecclesiastes 1:1-18
Have you ever wondered what is the purpose of life? Ever since the fall of Adam, people have been wrestling with this very same question. How we answer this question will be determined by our perspective which is our worldview. Everyone has a worldview! Allow me to suggest to you the things which can inform your worldview.
Family of Origin
Life Experiences
Cultural Morals and Values and Trends
Peer Pressures
One of the problems we have these days is that we have let these things become the final authorities in our lives. This forms a worldview which wither marginalizes God and the Bible and/or tries to cancel them. This results in a worldview in which we are trained to chase things in world system that promise happiness and satisfaction, but always leave a person empty. Solomon in Ecclesiastes calls this type of worldview as looking for personal fulfillment as “…everything under the sun…” In short, it is a worldview where man, science, reason, logic, trends, decide what is the purpose of life. This is a dangerous place in which to be.
In this book, Solomon gives to us his experiences when, as a believer, he was more attracted to the worldview under the sun to find peace and satisfaction rather than looking to the Once who created all things and the Scriptures for purpose and fulfillment. As Christ followers. we can learn for Solomon’s experience so we can avoid the trappings of the world which can only leave us empty and unfulfilled.