Its a New Year! So What?
Bible Text: Colossians 2 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
How many of us owned or have owned some type of exercise equipment? Now, be honest, has the exercise equipment been collecting dust or become a clothes hanger?
It is statistically overwhelming that New Year resolutions usually fail within the first 30 days. It seem that we are prone to fall into the same old routine. Let me remind you of what Henry Ford said:
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
― Henry Ford
How many of us are starting 2017 doing the same old things and expecting different results? It is a trap that has discouraged many of us . Have you asked yourself what you would like to be different in your life this year? Have you make a realistic plan to get to your goals?
Let me help you. Here are some questions you may want to ask yourself and then formulate a plan to realize your goal:
1. Are my finances a mess and out of control?
2. Are my family relationship healthy and meaningful?
3. How can I improve my heath and well being?
4. Last and most important, am I progressing in my spiritual maturity?
I believe this last question is the most crucial of all, because all the other issue will depend upon your answer to the last question.
The Apostle Paul gives us some clear insights about a plan to go forward in our spiritual maturity.
1. The First Insight: Continue to Live Our Lives in Him. v.6-8
1. Abide in Jesus by faith
1. Rooted and built up in Him
2. Overflow with thanksgiving
3. Recognize false teaching that is legalistic
4. Recognize the impending spiritual warfare
5. Stay engaged with Christ
2. The Second Insight: Let the Life of Christ Live in and Through Us v.9-13
1. Christ is Lord
1. Over every power and authority
2. In Him, our hearts have been circumcised
1. Selfishness being replaced by selfless love
2. Self rule being replaced by the lordship of Christ
3. Our life of death being replaced by our life in Christ
4. Christ’s love compels us to freely obey Him
3. We Need to Remember, Reflect, and Move Ahead
1. This is what the Lord’s Table is about
1. Remember the sacrifice of love at the cross
2. Reflect on the grace of God for the forgiveness of sin
3. Confess
4. Ask for God’s help
5. Continue to walk by faith in Christ.
Are we willing to make a commitment for the new year to deepen our walk with Christ? Here are some suggestions:
1. Are we willing to ask the tough questions and identify areas which need change or improvement?
2. Are you willing to ask God for help?
3. Are you willing to spend more time in prayer, in His Word, in Bible studies or Discipleship groups?
4. Are you willing to put your faith into action and step out of your comfort zone and love people?