“Is God In Control?” Acts 23:12-35
Intro: Let’s look at what the phrase God’s sovereignty means.Explain Jesus’ LordshipCreationThe UniverseHistoryIndividualsExplain Jesus’ Providence and Man’s Free WillScripture teaches that both run concurrentlyGod’s will be done, yet in the process, men and women have free choiceHistory is moving according to God’s sovereigntyIllustration: Climate changeThere is a difference between being good stewards of God’s creation and thinking we can control climate…the latter is arroganceGod Reveals the Plot v. 12-16The conspiracy and oath of the unbelieving JewsMore than 40 men vowed not to eat until Paul was killedThey get to chief priests and the elders to become complicit All was pretextPaul would be killed on the way to the SanhedrinGod Uses the Least Likely People to Accomplish His Will God uses Paul’s nephew to reveal the plot to Paul v. 17-22God prompted the centurion to do the right thing He brought Paul’s nephew to the commanderThe nephew urges the commander not to give in to the plotting JewsGod’s Gracious Accommodations for Paul v. 23-35God provides for Paul to go safely to the Governor FelixThe commander writes a letter to Felix to explain the whole storyThe commander also order the accusers to present their case against Paul in a safe venueFelix consented to hear the case and order Paul to be kept under guard in Herod’s palace.Imagine, being in protective custody in a palace!God grace is amazingRead Prov. 16:9; Psalm 33:10-11Explain, it is all about God’s will being done no matter what! Closing: There is a common myth that is being propagated in our churches and culture today; people are basically good. This isn’t biblical. Just look at how easily the religious leaders of Paul’s time quickly hooked up with terrorists to accomplish their won selfish agenda which was based upon pride, power, greed, and jealousy. The Bible says that we are totally depraved. In other words, every part of our being is effected by original sin. Therefore, a person is more than capable of doing very evil things. We need to hold on to and be obedient to the promises of God from His Word. At the root of all His promises is that His will will be accomplished, not ours. It is our choice if we want to be part of what God is doing through loving obedience. We need to remember as we go through life and encounter a hostile world that God sees the whole picture and is still in control. We need to remain obedient to Him by faith and through the power of the Holy Spirit and trust His with the outcome. Also, remember that God’s timing is not our timing. We tend to become impatient and anxious when we think God is silent or perhaps forgot about us. He hasn’t and will not forget about us.PrayerWorshipThe WordFellowshipAuthenticity