“How to Live Well!” Ecclesiastes 7:15-29 September 25, 2022
September 25, 2022

“How to Live Well!” Ecclesiastes 7:15-29 September 25, 2022

Passage: Ecclesiastes 7:15-29

Solomon’s Observation and Problem v. 15

The righteous die doing work for the kingdom of God

The wick seem to live long in their wickedness

Solomon’s Guiding Principles When Life Doesn’t  Make Sense v. 16

Guard against a self-righteous attitude

Self-righteousness is self serving and inflates the ego

Pride always goes before the fall

Don’t Give Up On God v. 17

Don’t get discouraged and frustrated to the point that we say what is the sense of what’s the use?

When we choose to do foolish things, those decisions could coast us our lives.

Remember, Paul’s statement in Roman’s. “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”

God takes all sin seriously

When we do things against God, we need to confess them and acknowledge our utter dependance on God for living a godly like with a humble attitude

We need to ask the Holy Spirit to helps us guard against these two extreme attitudes as we try to figure our life

We Need to Trust God v. 18

Solomon says in Proverbs that, “The beginning of wisdom is to fear God”.

When we fear God, we fear Him in the sense that we know He is almighty, all knowing, all present, a God who hates sin,  a God who loves us despite of our sin. He loves us enough to send His one and only Son to pay the debt for our sin against God. A debt that you and I could never repay because we are morally bankrupt.

Godly humility will help us from going to the extremes of self-righteousness or self-indulgence.

In other words, when life just doesn’t make sense to us, we need to trust God and remain obedient to Him through any curve ball life should throw at us.

Trusting God Leads to Godly Wisdom v. 19-20

Godly wisdom is more powerful that ten rulers in a city

Godly wisdom leads us to godly humility and godly meekness

Realize no one on this earth never sins, including us.

We need to acknowledge our need for God and His wisdom

We Must Be Graceful to Others v. 21-22

In light of our own need for God’s grace, we need to show respect to others

People will gossip even about you. Perhaps we have done the same thing

It is better not to listen to gossip or engage in gossip

Instead. we minister to people knowing that we are no better than them

Live a Life With Meaning and Purpose v. 23-29

We need a biblical world view to navigate through life’s challenges v. 23-24

This can only come from God’s wisdom, not man’s, not the world’s, and not the culture

We need to search out wisdom as we would seek out a great treasure

God’s Word


Holy Spirit


We need to understand the human condition v. 25

The scheme of things…we are not all knowing

The stupidity of wickedness e.g. sin never pleases God

The madness of folly e.g. anything to escape reality

We need to deal with sin in our lives through the Person and Work of Jesus Christ

Relationships are Complicated v. 26-28

Sin can be a very seductive and destructive problem

Therefore it presents major problems in all our relationships

It also presents a problem between us and God


Unfaithfulness towards God

The person who pleases God will escape the seductive power of sin and all sin’s trappings

We Are responsible For Trying to Makes Sense of This Life through human logic and wisdom v. 29

We think that God is unfair and/or doesn’t know what He is Doing

We think we are either better than everyone else or we just say what’s that use and become entrapped in the mire of sin

Or we list to our Creator and understand we need to trust in Person and Work of Christ to live life with purpose and meaning

We need to learn to trust  God to takes us through bad seasons even when we don’t understand why something happened

Trust that God is still in control!