“How to Live a Full Life” John 10:11-21 Part 2
Intro: This time of year, we will see cover stories on magazines such as, “Who Is Jesus?” or “The Historical Jesus” and many more. Many people today are still trying to figure out who Jesus was or is. Was He just the son of a carpenter?; Was He just a great teacher or philosopher?; Was He delusional or just a religious charlatan?… The reality is that how you and I answer these questions will determine the life we live here and our eternal destiny. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, the Jews and some Gentiles were trying to figure Him out by asking the same questions. John records for us how Jesus handled these questions with truth. Notice, Jesus makes another powerful “I Am” statement to the Pharisees and other listeners. He says boldly, “I am the good shepherd”. Jesus, in this passage, gives us some great insights into why He is the good shepherd. Jesus shows the difference between the good shepherd and a false shepherd. The Good Shepherd Will Sacrifice Himself for His Sheep. v. 11Jesus makes a contrast between a hired hand who is paid to watch the sheep and the good shepherdThe good shepherd is invested in his sheep and will do what is best for themThe hired hand is not invested and will run away at the first sign of troubleThe hired hand cares nothing about the sheepJesus was making a contrast between Himself and the PhariseesThe Pharisees cared nothing about the people, they only cared about themselvesThe Pharisees would not sacrifice themselves for their peopleThe Good Shepherd Knows His SheepThe word translated “know” means to know in an imitate and experiential wayHe knows the names of the sheepHe knows the personalities of each of the sheepHe is willing to sacrifice Himself for the sake of the sheepThe sheep know the shepherdAgain, this is to know intimately and experientiallyThis is and living, dynamic, relationship the is based upon Jesus unconditional loveThe good shepherd has sheep not of the fold of IsraelHe will bring them into His fold e.g. the gentilesHe will call them and they will recognize His voiceThey will be one flock with one good shepherdThis is a unity or responding to the call of the loving Good Shepherd and a response of love by the sheepJesus gives an example of what it means to know in a personal wayThe Father loves Jesus because He will lay down His life for His sheepJesus does this voluntarily and in love for the Father and His sheep e.g. this is a choice of love in loving obedience to the FatherJesus has the authority from the Father to lay down His life and to take it up againJesus had complete confidence and loyalty to the FatherThis is the command Jesus received from the FatherIgnoring the Good Shepherd Will Always Cause Chaos and Dissonance Many Jews said Jesus was mad and demon-possessed Others said that a demon cannot make a blind man seeWe are still faced with the same choices today. What we decide will effect our souls for eternity Closing: Do you know the Good Shepherd? Here is what the Good Shepherd does:He will leads He will feed usHe will care for usHe protects us from the predator, SatinHe broke the power of sin and deathHe will discipline us to restore usHe laid down His life for His sheep and took it up againOnce we enter through Him by faith and repentance, we have real freedom to lovingly obey the Shephard and live a full lifeIf you are a Christ follower, are we willing to to yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit and the Word and fall deeper in love with the Good Shepherd? The Good Shepherd is the Great I Am!