“How to Live a Full Life” John 10:1-10
Intro: There are so many “How to” books on the market such as how to be a good parent, how to have a good job, how to have a good marriage, and many more. We probably have more self help books published more than ever before and yet, in general, things are getting worse. It seems to me that the Bible has much to say about having a full life. I would love to suggest that if we ignore what the Bible says, we settle for cheap and temporary substitutes. A blind man discovered how to live a full life in John 9. As you know, this man was blind from birth. Jesus met him and restored the blindman’s sight. This resulted in the Pharisees become infuriated because only God can heal… In this passage, Jesus plainly illustrates to the Pharisees that He is God in the flesh. He does this through the use of 2 illustrations; the gate and the good shepherd. In this encounter, Jesus reveals the simple and precious truth of the gospel. As He speaks, He also reveals the pride and nearsightedness of the Pharisees. True Shepherd vs. a False ShepherdJesus makes these statements and affirms them as absolute truth e.g. “Very truly…”A true shepherd enters the sheep pen by the gateThe sheep knows the voice of their true shepherdThey will follow the shepherd who calls themThey know each sheep by name e.g. there is a relationshipA false shepherd climbs in the pen in some other wayThey are not there to protect, nurture, or care for the sheepSheep will run from false shepherds because they do not know their voiceThey have no relationship with the sheep and they don’t care for their welfareThey are there to steal and destroyThey are only interested in their own interests and greedThe Pharisees still didn’t understandTrue shepherds protect, feed, and care for the sheep at the peril of the shepherd’s own lifePharisees, false shepherds, lay unnecessary burdens of the people which only benefit the Pharisee and destroys the peopleJesus, the Only Way to a Full Life and FreedomJesus makes a very forceful statement which infuriates the Pharisees, “I am the gate for the sheep”.Jesus makes this affirmation twiceWhen something is repeated, it is very importantHe says this statement is the absolute truthJesus, being fully God and fully man and our Great High Priest, is the only way to be saved e.g. reconciled to God, forgiven, free, and living a full lifeHe laid down His life for His sheep so that they might enter into eternal life by faith and repentanceAny other shepherd only brings destruction and death, not life and freedomJesus gives an open invitation to enter eternal life and forgiveness through the gate which is HimselfIn Christ, there is salvationIn Christ, there is the protection of the ShepherdHe will leads He will feed usHe will care for usHe protects us from the predator, SatinHe broke the power of sin and deathHe will discipline us to restore usOnce we enter through Him by faith and repentance, we have real freedom to lovingly obey the Shephard and live a full lifeClosing: You and I need to remember and meditate on these great “I Am” statements that Jesus made. It was the miracle of the incarnation that sent to us the Gate to eternal life and the freedom to live a full life. It was the miracle birth of Christ who sent into this sin sick world the Great Shepherd of our souls. The birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ makes possible for everyone who repents and believes in the person and work of Jesus Christ to be forgiven and life a full life. As believers, there is something which is able to distract us from living freely for Christ. Unconfessed sin can break our fellowship with Jesus and thus distract us from living a full life in Christ. And so, we come to the Lord’s Table. This is a sacred time during which we can have close communion with God through Jesus Christ. This is a time for reflection and asking Jesus to reveal unconfessed sin in our hearts. He can reveal this through His Word and the Holy Spirit. When that specific sin or sins are revealed, then we need to humbly ask God to help us turn from that sin because it hurts Him and others and ourselves. The Bible tells us that when we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleans us from all unrighteousness (1John 1:9).