How Healthy Is the Body!
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 12 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: Periodically, we have all felt physically poor. What causes us to feel ill? It is when one part of the body is not working correctly. Paul’s first letter to the churches in Corinth was in response to reports that Paul had received about disunity and selfishness in the church. People were divided about who they followed, the spiritual gifts, and social conflicts. In this passage, Paul talks about the health of the Body of Christ (the church). Every member of the church needs to be functioning well and actively working together in order to have a healthy church.
Your leadership is currently reading, “I Am a Church Member” by Thomas Rainer. So, I will draw from 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 some key principles about church membership in a healthy church.
1. Every Member is Necessary v. 12-14
1. One body with many parts
1. The many parts form one body
2. Illustration: the major systems of the human body
1. Each major system has its own parts… amazing
2. Since the church is the Body of Christ
1. The many parts of a local church body forms one Body
2. We are confirmed into the Body of Christ by the Holy Spirit
1. There is no discrimination among the believers
2. We all have the same Holy Spirit
3. We all have different gifts
4. Illus: On the count of 3, shout out your denominational background
5. “”: On the count of 3, shout out the Name of your Lord and Savior
2. Every Member is Different v. 15-31
1. The body of Christ is meant to be diverse
2. We need each other to function in a healthy manner
3. Every member is placed in the Body exactly where He wants them
1. He is the Great Physician and knows exactly what a healthy Body needs.
2. The “weaker” parts are just as valuable as those that are not weaker
3. Every Member is Guided By the Scriptures
1. Love is the circulatory system e.g. the life blood of the Body of Christ
2. The Scriptures and the Holy Spirit guide and direct and empower us
4. Every Member Needs to Be Working
1. When all parts are working together the church Body is healthy
2. When any part is not working properly, then the Body of Christ becomes ill
1. Illustration: Everybody, Somebody, Nobody
3. It is our choice
Closing: Read the pledge at the end of chapter 1; “I Am a Church Member” by Thomas Rainer. What is your decision today? Even a church of our size can have an incredible impact on our community because we are Christ’s Body. But. a healthy body needs all it members work well and working with each other. What is your decision today?