How Good is Our Memory?
Bible Text: Psalm 106 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: How many of us sometimes wish there were more hours in a day. Generally speaking, most of us have things that need attention or things that need to be done each day. As important as many of these things are, may I say that when we neglect the most important and necessary thing of a day, we commonly start to worry and be anxious about people, circumstances, and things. I suggest the most important thing you and I need to do on any given day is to be in the presence of God with a grateful heart. So, how do we do that?
From time to time, we all need a reality check. Statistically, approximately 98% of the things about which we worry never happen. The best remedy for the worries of life is to be in the presence of God and know the blessings of God’s grace. The psalmist give us some great keys to cultivate a thankful and grateful heart.
1. Reasons For Thankfulness v. 1-5
1. We give thanks because the Lord is good
2. We give thanks because His love endures forever
3. We give thanks when we remember His acts of grace
4. We proclaim His mighty acts and praise HIm
5. We do what is right with His help and be blessed
2. Be Honest with God v. 6-12
1. We have sinned
1. A heart that is not thankful before God is a rebellious heart
2. Yet God made a way for salvation by confession and faith
3. They worshiped with a clean heart
3. Be Careful Not to Forget v. 13
1. We easily forget what He has graciously done in our lives
2. We can be pulled away for God by people, circumstances, and things
3. We can easily become entrapped in sin
4. We need to be thankful to God every day
Closing: The questions for this morning are simple yet need to be asked. How many of us are or have struggled with worry? Where do we look for the solution to a heart that is full with worry? Look to spend time in the presence of God reflecting on His gracious hand in our lives, being honest with Him in confession and repentance, and make this a daily practice so we are careful not to forget Him.