How Do We Live in God’s Grace?
Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 5 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
How should we live on days other than Sunday?
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Last week we talked about some principles that Paul says are important to learn and apply to our lives so that corporate worship may become dynamic, powerful, and sacred. This week, Paul give us principles to help us after we leave the service. In other words, we do we do after we leave here today?
Do you know what a benediction is? Read the benediction from Ephesians 3:20
If we come hungry for an encounter with the living God and your heart is prepared and teachable, then we must ask, what do we need to do next, that is after the service is over?
In our culture, we are so event oriented. We view worship services as an event. Our mentality is when the event is over, it is over. God intended worship to be a lifestyle, not an event. If worship is a lifestyle, then we must let the Holy Spirit help us to constantly live in God’s grace.
1. May God Himself Sanctify You e,g. help you mature spiritually so that we finish this life well v. 23
1. Explain sanctification
1. Positional Sanctification (Holy)
1. Settled at the cross
2. When we trust in Christ personally that He died in our place on the cross for our sin, positionally we are declared holy in the courts of heaven.
2. Progress Sanctification
1. Any progress we make is always by God’s grace
2. To become more like Jesus
1. In every area of our lives
1. Original sin effect all areas of our lives
2. Salvation by grace through faith makes it possible for the Christ follower to become more like Christ in every area of our lives.
2. Spirit
3. Soul
4. Body
3. If we are allowing God to change us to be more like Christ from the inside out… v. 24
1. We cannot achieve this on our own
2. As we apply the Word of God to our hearts, the Holy Spirit will start the process of transforming us into likeness of Christ.
1. This is dependent on our willingness to stay in step with the Holy Spirit.
2. Think of a music teacher, sports coach, or a physical therapist
3. Our spiritual growth is solely dependent upon the willingness of our hearts to let the word of Gd and the Spirit of God work deep in us and through us
3. Final complete sanctification will happen at the Second Coming v. 24
1. God will help us persevere until then
2. The reason is the God who calls us is faithful
3. He will bring it about
2. Show God’s grace in our every day lives just like Jesus modeled v. 25
1. Humility: Ask others to pray for you
2. Love: Love one another in the fellowship
3. Help us to become more and more like Jesus each and every day
4. Worship: Read to Word out loud v. 27
5. Everyday becomes a worship service in honor of Jesus Christ