“How Do We Deal With Adversaries?” Acts 25:1-26:32
The Conspiracy and Politics V. 1-12
Note: The plot from 2 years ago is still in play e.g. “kill Paul”.
The Sanhedrin is now in on the plot
Festus refused the request to let Paul go to Jerusalem and told the leaders to press their charges in Caesarea
In Caesarea, the Jews stood around Paul and brought many charges against him, but could not prove any of them
Paul’s defense was simple and straight to the point v. 8
Festus wanted to do the Jew a favor so he asked Paul if he was willing to go to Jerusalem and stand trial there before Festus
Paul affirms his not guilty plea and asks as a Roman citizen to appeal to Caesar
After conferring with the council, Festus the order to go before Caesar
Paul knew that the Lord wanted him to go to Rome (Acts 23:11)
Paul’s only interest was that the person and work of Jesus Christ would be glorified through this very difficult time
This took the case completely out of the hands of the Jews and this made them even more angry
The Consultation v. 13-22
Now Festus had another problem e.g. on what legitimate charges does he bring Paul before Nero
King Herod Agrippa and Herod’s sister came to pay respects to Festus
Festus used this visit as an opportunity to discuss Paul’s case with Agrippa
Festus recaps the case
Festus wanted Paul’s accuses to face him
Festus said there was no crime after a hearing, but it was a dispute about their own religion about a dead man named Jesus who Paul claimed was alive
Agrippa agreed to heard the matter himself
The Findings Thus Far v.23-27
The very next day, with much pomp King Agrippa and Bernice entered the audience room with high ranking military officials and the prominent men of the city.
Festus briefly outlines the case v. 24
Festus says Paul has done nothing to deserve death
Festus wants to specify charges against Paul and is asking for Agrippa’s help
Note: Jesus told Paul many years before that he would share the gospel with Gentiles and kings (Acts 9:15)
Agrippa was an expert in Jewish matters
Paul’s Defense 26:1-29
Paul acknowledges Agrippa’s expertise in the Jewish customs and controversies and pleas with Agrippa to listen to Paul’s defense patiently
The honest testimony of a man saved by God’s grace
Paul’s life was transparent even from his childhood in his own country and Jerusalem
Paul is a Pharisee e.g. conformed to strictest sect of Judaism v. 4-8
Paul states that he is on trial now because of what God has promised his ancestors
The promise of the Messiah
The resurrection e.g. the God raises the dead
Paul persecuted the church v.9
He fully opposed the name of Jesus of Nazareth v. 9-11
Paul saw the light v. 12-14
Paul asks a key question, “Who are you Lord?”
He recounts his encounter with Jesus
His commission
The transforming gospel of Jesus’ love and grace
Salvation by faith alone
Paul was transformed by grace and lovingly obedient to His Savior v. 15-23
Transformed by grace, not conformed
From persecutor to a loving servant of Christ
He preached the simple gospel of faith and repentance
God has been with Paul to this very day
Paul answers Festus’ interruption
Paul said the truth and his faith is reasonable v. 25
Even the king knows that this is a reasonable faith
This was all done with complete transparency
Paul asks Agrippa a key question
“King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets?
The king’s answer and Paul’s heart v. 28-32
Agrippa asks a question
Paul’s reply show his heart and motives
His desire that everyone respond to the gospel of Christ
Agrippa’s conclusion v. 30-32
Closing: As you and I share the gospel, there will be people who oppose the message and Christ. It could be a family member, friend, educator, and others.
We must remember:
Christ died for sinners
All sinner need a Savior
A Christian worldview will class with all other worldviews
Suffering is part of serving Christ
View an adversary through Jesus’ eyes…a sinner in need of a Savior
So, this morning I ask you, what do you think of Paul’s testimony? What will your response be to such a great salvation made possible through the Person and works of Jesus Christ?
Perhaps this morning, we needed a refresher of what a great Savior we have