“Holy Gossip!”
Introduction: According to the Scriptures, gossip is a sin. If we have anything to say about a person, we should tell that person directly rather than speak behind the person’s back. This sinful gossip will always spread like wildfire. My mother would tell me that if you can’t say anything good about a person, don’t say anything. I have found this very helpful in my life. However, another kind of gossip pleases God: holy gossip! It tells others about the magnificence of the Triune God and His gracious gift of salvation offered to us by grace through faith in the Person and work of Jesus.
We continue to look at the Samaritan woman at the well and what happened after she trusted Christ as her Lord and Savior.
The Gospel Demands a Response. vs. 27-31
When the disciples returned from buying food, they were astonished that Jesus was speaking to this Samaritan woman.
This showed them the power of the gospel to break through barriers.
They were asking themselves questions about this encounter with the woman, but they were afraid to ask Jesus.
The Samaritan woman left her water jar and hurried back to the town to gossip.
Her message was simple: Come and see a man who told me everything I did.
She asked the question: Could this be the Messiah?
People from the town came out and made their way to see Jesus.
Don’t Ignore What God Does! v. 31-38
The disciples were interested in Jesus eating some food after the journey to Samaria.
Jesus told them that there was something God offered that was spiritual food.
The disciple still needed to understand this.
The disciples thought that perhaps someone else gave Jesus food.
They should have been rejoicing that a Samaritan woman had come to Christ.
Jesus told the disciples that His food that brings complete satisfaction is to do the Father’s will and finish the Father’s work.
Jesus attempted to adjust the disciple’s focus from their needs to the needs of a world that needs Christ.
Open your eyes and look at the fields.
They are ripe for harvest.
One sows, and another reaps the harvest for Christ.
It is a crop for eternal life.
Both the one that sows and the one that reaps should rejoice.
This is the work of God.
Explain verse 38. God works through the process just like a farmer.
The work of the gospel is hard work, just like sowing, cultivating, and harvesting.
The Fruit of Holy Gossip. vs. 39-42
Many Samaritans from the town believed in Christ because of the woman’s testimony.
“He told me everything I did.”
The Samaritans came to Jesus and urged Him to stay with them.
He stayed for two days.
During the two days, many more became believers because of Christ’s words.
The people told the woman they no longer believed her just because of her testimony.
They believed because they met Jesus personally.
They declared Him to be the Savior of the world.
This was an extraordinary declaration.
Closing: The Lord’s Table