“Hey Joseph, Guess What?” Matthew 1:18-25 12/17/23
One of the remarkable aspects of the incarnation is that it is a time of joy and celebration that was preceded by challenges and struggles. This morning, I want to look at the coming of Jesus through the eyes of the step-father, Joseph.
We know that Joseph and Mary were betrothed. Mary was probably 14 or 15 years old and had a visitation from the angel, Gabriel, to tell her that she would bear the Son of God even though she was a virgin. Her conception would be miraculous through the Holy Spirit. This presented some immediate issues for Mary. What do I tell my family, Joseph, the gossipers, etc.? We could say that God, in His grace and mercy, made life a bit challenging for Mary.
Now we come to Joseph. Mary, what do you mean you are going to have a child? Do you expect me to believe that God told you that you are going to be the mother of the Messiah? This can’t possibly be true, Mary. From Joseph’s perspective, he had a significant problem on his hands.
Why would God allow this in Joseph’s and Mary’s relationship? Joseph needed to hear from God. This passage has valuable insights to help us understand more about God, His sovereignty, grace, mercy, and love.