“Have You Met the King of Peace?” John 12:12-19 3/24/24
How would you expect a very controversial king to come into Forked River, New Jersey? Security is the first order of business. So, he would always ride into town in a bulletproof car with a security detail surrounding him. Since this king is very controversial, the security guards want to guard the king against attempted assassination.
The king would want to ride in a vehicle befitting his office and position. How would it look for a king to ride into town in a Volkswagen Beetle? That would not be very dignified for the king of a nation. The car could be a new bulletproof Cadillac SUV or Mercedes SUV. After all, he is the king.
There is a Person who invaded this mess of humanity 2000 years ago. He is fully God and fully man. He is the Creator of the universe, the Savior, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. The religious establishment and the political powers were not happy with Jesus. His words and actions threatened their power, greed, and selfish agenda.
Because there were religious leaders who wanted to do away with Jesus, He was in danger. He had just raised Lazarus from the dead, and many people followed Him. There were several occasions when the crowd wanted to make Jesus their militant king, but Jesus would slip away because He didn’t come to be that type of King.
Now, Jesus does something visible to make a grand proclamation. He chooses to ride into Jerusalem and publicly declare Himself King. This was a very bold move from Jesus for several reasons.
Note: we had a malfunction in our recording equipment. Please go to https://www.facebook.com/crossbridgeofocean to hear and see the service.