Have You Met the King of Peace?
Bible Text: John 12 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: Those of us who have very young children or grandchildren, we know what usually happens when they are showered with gifts for their birthdays or Christmas gifts. They usually get too many toys so some get lost in the shuffle or they like the boxes better than the toys. So, mom and dad usually put some toys away for another time. When that time comes, it seems the child discovers the toy for the first time and is excited to play with it.
Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Christmas come once a year as celebrations. The danger is that these celebrations might degenerate into just ritual and routine. There are times in our lives when you and I need a fresh look and perspective concerning our traditional celebrations. It is my prayer that God would grant that fresh perspective to us today.
Breaking News from the Jerusalem New Network: Reports of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead is now causing much controversy between the citizens of Jerusalem and the religious establishment. Some people feel Jesus is some type of sensationalist since He allegedly brought a man back to life. Others feel there is really something special about Him. Meanwhile, the Pharisees are reportedly very agitated about what Jesus has taught and the “miracles” He performed.
In political and economic news, the Roman government is still charging the people of Israel the highest taxes ever. Most families are living day to day and struggling. This is causing an underground outcry from many Israelis to rebel and and overthrow this oppressive Roman government. All through these tough political and economic times, the Hebrews are still expecting their Messiah to come as a warrior and defeat this oppressive Roman government and all Israel’s other enemies.
Perhaps, some of these circumstances sound very familiar today. Let me suggest to you that the King of Peace wants to bring peace to the human heart if we would trust in Him by faith.
Let’s take a fresh look at John’s account of Palm Sunday and see if we gain a greater appreciation of what happened that day. There are several observations that are important for us today.
1. The First Observation Is That There Were Three Main Reasons That People Followed Christ
1. There was the crowd that followed Jesus to see what spectacular miracle He might do next
1. This is the crowd who just are spectators and want to be wowed by spectacular things
1. This is where many in our culture are today
2. The problem is that we tend to miss the real significance of what is happening
1. That is we miss the reality of the situation
2. We need to be wowed and overwhelmed by the love of God for us as shown in the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
2. There was a crowd who was curious about Jesus and who He was
1. Included in this group are His disciples who were still confused at this point
2. Many were expecting the militant Messiah, not the King of Peace riding a donkey
3. There were those who were following him to kill him
1. These were the Pharisees and religious leaders who were jealous of His growing popularity, power, and influence
2. They saw Jesus as a threat to their power and influence
2. The Second Observation is Jesus Came as the King of Peace
1. Jesus came to end the war between us and God
1. Jesus came to save us from ourselves and God’s just penalty for sin
2. Our rebellion and sin against God declares war on Him
3. We cannot do anything in and of ourselves to end the war we started
4. Jesus, God the Son, is the only one who could bring peace between us and a Holy God
1. This could only be accomplished through Jesus’ finished work on the cross and His resurrection
2. Jesus atoned for your sin and rebellion on the cross which paved the way for peace between us and God
3. All we need to do is repent and trust Christ as our personal Lord and Savior
Do we long for peace in out hearts? Then in faith and repentance, receive Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.
Do we desire peace in our families? Then by faith, with the power of the Holy Spirit, and under the authority of the Word of God, let the King of Peace rule in the hearts of husbands, wives and children.
Do we as a church want to influence our community for the glory of God, then we need to let the King of Peace rule in our congregation.
Closing: We need to understand that true peace is only possible when the King of Peace rules in the hearts of men and women. True peace can only be possible if it takes please in the hearts of men and women. Only Jesus offers that kind of peace. The question for today is are we willing to let the King of Peace rule in our hearts by faith.