“Grace for Imperfect People!” John 21:15-25
Bible Text: John 21:15-25 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | “Grace For Imperfect People!” John 21:15-25
Intro: Every one of us is imperfect. We sin against God. At time, we fail; we hurt and disappoint others; we can even doubt and falter in our faith. I want to boldly proclaim to you today, God is willing to extend grace to imperfect people.
As you know, the Apostle Peter failed miserably the night Jesus was betrayed. Jesus predicted by the dawn of the morning, Peter would deny his Savior three times. It broke the fellowship between God and Peter. Peter became broken over his situation.
In this passage, we find that Jesus is willing to extend incredible grace to those who have failed miserably and come to Him in repentance and faith.
1. Grace Offered to Sinners
1. Peter was a fisherman who had a family fishing business
1. He followed Jesus by faith when Jesus called him
1. Ephesians 2:8-10
2. The grace of salvation
2. God’s grace is available to all sinners
1. Appropriated through faith and repentance
2. Forgiveness of sin past, present, and future
3. Unchained from sin and shame and freed to lovingly obey Christ
4. New life purpose
5. New destiny
6. Saved, but still imperfect
7. We also need to forgive others just as we have been forgiven
2. Grace Offered for Restoration
1. For a Christ follower, sin breaks our fellowship with Jesus
2. Restoration of that fellowship and ministry offered by grace
1. 1 John 1:9
2. Specific confession
3. Genuine repentance
4. Don’t believe Satan’s lies
5. Loving Obedience
1. Illus: This must have surprised Peter!
3. Grace for the Journey
1. God has a plan for all of us
1. Our purpose is to proclaim the gospel
2. Our ministry is to bring glory to God; not ourselves
3. With God’s help, we can finish our journey well
1. Will we let Him work in and through us in spite of our imperfections?
Closing: As Christ followers, are we willing to admit that we are imperfect? Stan would want us to be defeated and discouraged by our imperfections. But God offers grace for restoration and grace for the journey. God can do great things through Christ followers who will learn from their failure. We learn more about or weaknesses and how to depend more on God’s strength.