“Grace Alone” Acts 15
Intro: We all have been through a difficult year. We had to deal with a Covid-19 pandemic. economic stresses, marriage and family stress. Parents were forced to be both parent and teacher. For awhile, everything was shut down. For the most part, we were confined to our homes. In short, the medical, cultural, and political climate has had an unfortunate impact on the evangelical church in America. In time like these, I would like to suggest to you that you and I need to be reminded about the gift, depth, and impact of God’s grace. There may be people who will start to corrupt the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They will want to do away with salvation by grace alone and substitute it faith plus works, or faith plus an allegiance to the state, tradition, or idols. The Conflict v.1-5Look at the background of AntiochJews and Gentiles were being saved by faithThey were living together as brothers in ChristJewish legalists said they must become Jews first in order to become ChristiansSo, they began teaching that to be saved is faith and works togetherThey taught people had to be and obey the Law of MosesThis is a crucial issue worthy of defending (grace)The Council v. 6-21Understanding GraceUnderstanding LegalismUnderstanding SinUnderstanding the Old TestamentThe principle of the weaker believer e.g. concessions out of love one for anotherThe Affirmation of Grace Alone v.22-35Grace breaks down barriersBetween people and GodBetween Jew and GentileGrace is scandalous Grace brings freedomFreedom to obey ChristFreedom from sinFreedom in lifeFreedom from fear Closing: We are told in the Scriptures that Christ followers walk (key word) not by sight. This is only possible through grace alone. As we lovingly obey Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit, we walk in the light of Christ, the light of His word, and we walk in the freedom of God’s magnificent grace.