“God Is Faithful, We Are Not!” Romans 3:1-20 4/28/24
Let me ask you a question: How do you define the word “faithfulness”? And, as a follow-up question, how would you define God’s faithfulness? We must consider this matter carefully, as faithfulness is one of God’s qualities that comes from the core of His holy character.
In the last chapter of Romans, Paul addressed the superficial religious image that the Pharisees presented to the people. The Jews thought that since they were born a Jew, they were automatically right with God because they were the chosen race. Paul made it clear to them that they were sinners needing a Savior. This was a rude awakening to the religious leaders and the Jews.
Paul addressed two theological facts with which the Jews and Gentiles must wrestle. First, only God is faithful; we are not. Second, there is only one way to be right with God: faith alone in the Person and work of Jesus Christ.