“God Is Always Right!” Romans 2:1-16
We need to put this passage into the context of what we have read thus far in Romans. Last week, Paul described what happens in the culture when we choose to ignore God and live as if we think we know better than God. He outlines the moral downward spiral that happens and the resulting dire consequences. In the context of this letter, this was addressed to the Gentile world.
Now, it seems that Paul is addressing the Jews and some of their unfortunate assumptions of who they are and their view of the righteous character of God. The Jews believed that they had special privileges because they were born Jews and the Jews were God’s chosen people. Therefore, they thought they were automatically saved from God’s wrath and judgment. This belief was a total misunderstanding of the righteousness of God and that salvation for anyone is only through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
There are some precious lessons in this passage, not only for Jews but for us also.