“God In the Workplace!” Colossians 3:22-4:1 (2/27/22)
Intro: Why is it that many people, including born again Christians, believe that “work” is a dirty four letter word? God ordained work as something that is honorable and satisfying. However, after the Fall, sin’s curse tainted work to be toil and difficult. That is when “work” became a dirty four letter word.
Ironically, minimum wage for most employers is $15 per hour for non-skilled entry level jobs. Yet there are still many companies who want to hire people and yet not many people apply. God ordains honest work. Whether or not we realize it, in some senses, work will be hard and difficult. Having said that, God says work is a good thing for us. Usually, the attitude with which we approach our work will make a big difference in how we do our job. Paul gives us some practical direction in this passage about slaves and masters.