God Gives Powerful Churches A Powerful Message of Faith!
Bible Text: 1 Thessalonians 1 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
What does it look like when a Powerful Church connects with God’s Powerful Message?
—- Pastor Lou Notes ——–
Intro: What makes a message powerful? Usually a powerful message comes from a powerful person or organization. Can a message transform people? Most messages create a need and tells how that need can be met. How do we receive a message? Usually we receive a message when our minds and hearts are open. Does a message produce buzz? Once we are convinced about a message, we tend to gossip about it.
God gives a powerful church a powerful message of faith. Here is how the infinitely powerful God communicates His message that can be life changing and transformational.
1. Know our identity
1. God chose us
1. Not based upon our merits, but solely because of His love
2. Election is always presented in Scripture as an assurance for the believer
3. Election and our free will is not contradiction, but run concurrently according to the Scripture
2. Know the power of the gospel
1. The power comes from the Holy Spirit
1. Words
1. The anointing of the Spirit
2. Words that penetrate the soul
2. Power
1. The power of forgiveness, new life, and new purpose
3. Deep Conviction
1. Knowing that the Word of God will never come back void
2. Knowing that the gospel is true
3. Living the gospel daily
4. Open hearts
1. To receive the message
2. To embrace it or make it their own
5. Transformation
1. Turning from idols to God
2. Loving one another
3. Forgiveness, new life and purpose
6. Authenticity
1. Living honest lives in the power of God
2. Being on a continual journey of becoming more like Christ
7. Reproduction
1. Holy gossip
2. The power of personal witness
8. Service
1. The freedom to serve heart, mind , and will
3. The challenge
1. Our world and in particular needs this message more than ever before
2. Churches need to recover the love of God and share the powerful message of God
3. Churches need to gossip the gospel with hearts of confession, love, and compassion