Give God Reverence!
Bible Text: 1 Samuel 6 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | — Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Introduction: Have you ever had moments when you were amazed and overwhelmed at what God has done or is doing? I find it interesting how our world tries to explain everything without God in the picture. For instance, how would you explain the miracle of childbirth? Or how would we explain the incredible human body? What about the rising and setting of the sun, the beauty of nature, our galaxy? Science and our culture keep trying to shove God out of the picture. So we develop weak explanations and theories that would satisfy us so we can create the illusion that we are in control.
When Christ followers are walking with Him in loving obedience, we have a greater understanding that God is God. When you and I stand before God in humble obedience, we realize that worshiping Him means we have a reverential respect for Him in everything we do. Simply stated, we are to give God reverence!
God Is the Living
All powerful
All present
All knowing
God Tears Down Idols
An idol is anything that draws us away from God
An idol can affect our worldview
An idol can affect our morals and ethics
An idol open the door for Satin and his schemes
God will ultimately judge our idol worship
God is Merciful and Gracious
He is holy, righteous, and loving
He wants us to freely come to him in faith and repentance
He desires reverence from us out of a loving heart
Closing: So the question this morning is simple: Will you and I give God the reverence He deserves? Will we let His Word and the Holy Spirit examine our hearts so that we might confess or sin and repent from sin and idols that have drawn us away from God? The Lord’s Table is the place where Christ followers can come clean before our God who deserves our reverence. Then, with the help of the Holy Spirit, will be serve God in loving obedience?