“Don’t Rush to Judgment!” Acts 28:1-10
Intro: I would like to ask a question this morning. Do you think, generally speaking, we are quick to rush to judgement when we meet people? Sometimes, we make assumptions about them based upon their looks, their rumored past, their actual past, their economic status, their political affiliation, their religious affiliation or non-affiliation, etc.
Usually, when we rush to judgment, we can go to two extremes that are not true at all. This happened to Paul when they arrived at Malta after being shipped wrecked at sea. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Luke gives us several reasons to be cautious about rushing to judgment.
The Reality of Being in a New Place v. 1-2
They were safely on shore in Malta
A Roman territory
The name means refuge.
They were warmly welcomed by the natives
Remember, there were 276 people who came ashore
The natives did their best to make them feel very welcomed
The were sympathetic and built them a fire to keep them warm in the cold autumn weather
Paul’s Life Shows the Servant Attitude of a Christ Follower v. 3
Christ followers are called to serve, not to be served
He gathered a pile of brushwood and put it on the fire to help
Paul was willing to pick up the wash towel and the basin to serve others despite the fact the He was an Apostle
A Christ follower delights to help with what might be called menial tasks.
We do this not for our glory or credit, but for the glory of Jesus who came to serve us and die for our sin
Paul also had the Person and work of Jesus Christ at the center of his heart and life and ministry
Understand Our Own Fickleness (Inconsistencies) and the Fickleness of Others Who Rush to Judgment v.4
As Paul was helping with the fire, a snake fastened himself to Paul’s hand
The islanders rushed to judgment and concluded that since Paul was a prisoner, he must be a murder.
Although he escaped from the sea, the goddess justice has not allowed him to live
They knew Paul was a prisoner and they let their superstitions and imagination and feeling rule their conclusion rather than having all the facts.
Oh oh, nothing happened to Paul v. 5-6
Paul shook off the snake and suffered no ill affects
The people really thought he would swell up and die, because he was a criminal and, they thought, a murderer.
After waiting a long period of time, nothing happened to Paul, so the went to the other extreme and falsely concluded he was a god.
Opportunity to Proclaim the Gospel of Christ v. 7-10
Publius welcomed them to his home for three days
He was probably the Roman government representative to Malta
He showed them generous hospitality
Publius’ father was sick in bed suffering from fever and dysentery
Paul went in to see him and pray
He placed his hands upon him and healed him
Again, Paul was a servant giving all the glory to Jesus Christ
Miracles that are from God are meant to point people to the Savior of their souls and not the servant
God, in his magnificent grace, then healed the rest of the sick who came to Paul and they were healed.
The People honored the ship wrecked people
When they were ready to sail, they furnished the crew and passengers with supplies they need.
This is so amazing.
Closing: I believe there are some practical lessons we can learn for this passage:
First, not all people are like us
So, we must be very careful in making conclusions about them before we have facts
If we let our feelings or superstitions rule, we will be wrong most of the time
Second, not everyone will like us
This is a fact of life
This is because of the fickleness of our sin natures
We, as Christ followers, have probably been guilty of doing the same thing
No matter what the circumstances, we are called to serve Christ in a way that brings glory to the cross and the resurrection
We all have a past in which we have done things we regret
Most of all, let us never forget that the cross of Christ frees us from the past and makes us a new creation. Christ transforms us from the inside out. When we rush to judgment about others, we show our unbelief that Christ is able to give us new birth, new life, and new purpose.