October 4, 2020

“Don’t Ignore the Truth!” Acts 6:8-15

Passage: Acts 6:8-15
Service Type:

Intro: As you know, these days we are seeing some very serious dysfunction at many levels. We see it at the individual level, family level, economic level, cultural level, political level, and religious level. Let me be clear, dysfunction becomes damaging when the core problem is not addressed. For example, in a family where one person is addicted to alcohol or drugs, if this problem is not addressed properly, it will continue and result in serious dysfunction. Dysfunctional system, when uncorrected, will do what ever it takes to maintain that dysfunction. The person with the problem will usually identify someone else in the family as the problem and the cause of why there is so much conflict. This problem can be continued for generations if not corrected. This is the consequence of ignoring the truth and the truth of God’s Word. In this passage, Dr. Luke some great insights into this issue through this account of Stephen was was appointed and commissioned by the Apostles to serve the orphans food. God’s Truth in a Dysfunctional System Causes Conflict v. 8-10Stephen was a man full of God’s grace, power, and godly courageRemember, Stephen was affirmed to serve the widows in the distribution of foodGod used him to perform many signs and wonders among the peopleA dysfunctional system will always strive to keep itself dysfunctional v. 11-14In order to do this , the system will oppose and resist healthy input e.g. God’s TruthTherefore, the system opposes change and choses an identified patient who they claim is the problem. In this case, it was Stephen proclaiming the gospel of Christ and doing the work of the kingdomThe establishment decided to argue against the truth of Jesus and the WordThey could not win against Stephen, because he was full of the Holy SpiritWhen confronted with God’s truth, there is a decision that must be madeReceive it, repent and confess and agree that God is correctMake adjustments in our lives according to God’s willThe Holy Spirit gave Stephen God’s wisdom as he answered and spokeNo argument against the God’s truth will ever conquer the WordThe members of the Synagogue and  the Freemen met in secretThey persuaded some men to bring false accusations against Stephen to cause troubleThey chose to resort to deceitful and devious methods to try to keep their dysfunction system in place to preserve their powerThey accused Stephen of blasphemyThe made up something that never happenedThey even took the words of Jesus out of contextThis stirred up the elders and teachers of the lawPeople who resist God’s truth will be quick to believe a lieThey will propagate the lie to protect their pride, power, and greedGod Honors His Servant Who Speaks and Lives God’s Truth v. 15While these accusations were being levied against Stephen,  the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen’s faceHis face was like the face of an angleGod’s  truth will always shine despite the oppositionJesus said, 31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Jn 8:31–32.Even though Stephen was being interrogated and persecuted by people who refused to believe God’s truth, he was a free man Closing: Anytime we choose to ignore God’s truth, we will set ourselves up for potentially serious problem. We cannot and should ignore the truthGod is GodWe can try to ignore HimWe can try to eliminate HimWe can try or run from HimWe can ignore the truth of His Word and the Lord Jesus ChristBut God is real and livingNothing man can do can ever eliminate GodWe really can’t run from HimWe cannot ignore the truth of His Word and the Person and work of Jesus ChristWe need to stop making excuses for ignoring God’s Word!Let’s come to the Lord’s Table with a thankful heart and a humble heart ready to confess and repent of particular sin that the Word and the Spirit reveals in our lives.