Don’t Give Up or Give In
Bible Text: 1 Peter 5 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
Intro: One of the age old strategies of war is to attack an enemy when they least expect it or when they let down their guard. Christ followers have a formidable enemy, Satan. Satan’s chief purpose is to make a Christ follower ineffective for the Kingdom of God. He has two basic strategies he uses with, unfortunately, quiet a bit of success. The first is discouragement and the second is complacency. These strategies will tempt us to either give up or give in.
You and I, as Christ followers, can take steps of faith to help prevent either of these scenarios that might cause us to give up or give in. In this passage, Peter give us 3 steps of faith that will help us not to give in or give up.
Be Alert and of Sober Mind v. 8
The devil is a powerful enemy always on the prowl looking to devour a Christ follower
Be alert and sober minded
Through prayer
Through the reading of the Word
Through Meditation on the Word
Through submitting to the Holy Spirit
Actively Resist and Stand Firm v. 9
Stand firm in the faith
You are not alone
Stand on God’s Promise of Restoration, Hope, and Strength Come Through the God of All Grace v. 10-11
God, through the Holy Spirit, called us to Him through Christ
Trust God in the process
Give God all the glory
Closing: So, the question this morning is how prepared are we for our adversary? With God’s help, will we do what it takes to be alert, sober minded, resist, and stand firm in the faith? Remember, when you and I let our guard down, become complacent or discouraged, we have an enemy who will attack and try to stop us from being active in the kingdom of God.