“Do You Want to Be Part of Something Big?” Acts 18:1-17
Intro: In my research interviews with Millennials, I quickly discovered that they will not invest their time, talent, or treasure in something that won’t make a difference in this world. My researched revealed that they desire to be part of something bigger than them. I believe that this desire is more common than we think. Let me give you some examples: soap operas in all forms, causes some of which are good and some of which are not good, people dedicating their lives to service occupations. God invites us to be part of something much much bigger than us; His mission (Matthew 28). I believe He calls all Christ followers to be active for the kingdom of God. He usually calls people to team up for the gospel. People in these teams can have differing gifts and talents, but they are devoted to the same mission. But, in difficult times or discouraging times, perhaps we have thought about quitting the ministry. I believe Paul was discouraged at this point in his second missionary journey. Dr. Luke in this passage gives us reminders that you and I need to hear as we go forward in ministry. Corinth was a cesspool of moral filth and evil. If someone of that day called you a Corinthian, it usually meant the person was a pervert. It Is Always Too Soon to Quit v. 1-5Corinth was a immoral and decadent cityProstitution, immorality, etc…Ministry can be exhaustingIt was going to be hard work for Paul to bring the gospel to this cityBut Paul won’t give upPaul believed in a team approachFor mutual encouragement and supportTo join in the continuing work of the gospelTentmakers, Aquila and PriscellaSilas and TimothyBe Prepared for Opposition v. 6–8When ever God is doing something great, Satan becomes infuriatedWhen the Jews and the God fearing seekers became abusive to Paul, he didn’t give upPaul then devoted himself to bring the gospel to GentilesPaul went to the house of Titus Justice a worshiper of GodThis house was right next door to the synagogueNotice that Crispus, the synagogue leader and his household trusted in ChristAlso many Corinthians who heard Paul believed and were baptizedThis is where the team could helpWe need to be on the same page and encourage one anotherGod Will Give Us Assurance 9-17I am sure things got very difficult for PaulPaul was probably exhausted, frustrated, and wondering if the ministry is worth it.Lord tells Paul 3 things in this visionDon’t Be AfraidKeep on speakingDon’t be silentReasonsGod promised to protect Paul in CorinthGod has already been working in the hearts of the Corinthian PeopleClosing: So, about what have you been discouraged or frustrated? Have you put a lot of work into preparing something only to have no one and a very few show up? Have you ever felt like quitting a ministry? This passage show us it is always too soon to quit. Spiritual warfare is very realSatan specializes in discouragement and doubtGod is all powerful and has already fought the battles we face.