“Do You Need Refreshing News?” Acts 3:11-22
Bible Text: Acts 3:11-22 | Intro: Please allow me to share a bit of my testimony of how Jesus and the Holy Spirit started to open me up to some refreshing news. In college, I was a premed student. Spiritually speaking, I would say I was agnostic. During my junior and senior years, I had courses such as human physiology, embryology, and human anatomy. As I studied all the incredible systems of the human body, I came to the conclusion that someone had to design this. This could never happen by chance as many scientists believe. God was working in my life and opening up my heart by studying and observing the miracles of His creation and design of the human body.
The Bible is clear that God does miracles and prophets to point people to the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. You see, whether someone is miraculously healed, or Peter walking on water in the storm, or the resurrection, God always points us the the centerpiece of the gospel, the Lord Jesus Christ.
In this passage, Dr.Luke wants us to have a clear picture of the refreshing news of gospel and the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. So I want to ask you this morning, do you need refreshing news?
1. First, the Bad News vs. 11-15
1. Illust: R.C. Sproul once said, “The gospel is only good news when we understand the bad news”.
2. God uses miracles to point people to the person and work of Jesus Christ; not to individual people
3. Peter talks about the Israel’s rejection of Jesus the Messiah
1. They were expecting a militant Messiah, not a suffering Messiah
2. They Failed to listen to the prophets and the Scriptures
3. Because of their sin, they handed Jesus over to be killed and they disowned Him before Pilate even through Pilate wanted to release Him
1. Peter makes it very clear that they exchanged Jesus for the freedom of Barabbas
1. Rev. Dr. Robert Fuggi in his book, A New Model of the Authentic Church. WestBow Press a division of Thomas Nelson Zondervan, 2/8/18 Chapter 6, “I Am Barabbas” p.113
2. This is a picture of God’s righteousness and holiness and grace in Jesus Christ
1. The righteous and holy Jesus giving His life for the murderous and sinful Barabbas
2. This is the transition of the passage
3. The Author of Life was killed, but God raised Jesus from the dead
2. Second, the Good and Refreshing News vs. 16-26
1. The resurrection is the Father’s validation of the person and work of Jesus Christ
1. There are many witnesses to the fact and reality of the resurrection
2. Freedom and salvation is only available through faith in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ
1. Our faith is only as good as the object or person in whom we trust
2. Faith in people; people will fail at time
3. Faith in machines; machines will fail at times because people made them
4. Faith in science: science will fail at time because people formulate the observations and theories
5. The list can go on and on
2. When one hears the Good and Refreshing News there is no excuse for rejecting Jesus
1. Scripture reveals and shouts the Good News through all the prophets about the Messiah who would suffer because of our sin
2. Therefore, the only response is repent and turn to God through faith in Jesus Christ
1. This is the good and refreshing news
2. Faith in Christ brings freedom, forgiveness of sin, hope, and new life
3. This salvation by faith alone in Christ is not only available to the Jews, but to the entire world
1. Peter reminded the Israelite people of the promise God made to Abraham that through His offspring, all the people on earth will be blessed
1. John 3:16
2. Peter reminded the Jews the all the Prophets starting with Samuel foretold of Jesus and the cross and the resurrection and the good news
4. Refreshment only comes through repentance of sin and turning back to God through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ
1. Peter’s plea is to wake up to the good and refreshing news
1. Come clean with Jesus who dies to pay the penalty, once for all, for our rebellion against God
1. Repent and turn means you have changed your mind about the seriousness of sin and changed the direction of your life from rejecting God to following Him through faith in Jesus Christ
2. This is the only way that we will hear and experience the good news so that we can be refreshed
Closing: So, let me ask you this morning, are you tired of bad news all the time? Is it time for good and refreshing news? Listen to the message of Peter, the prophets, and the Word of God. Repent and turn to God so that our sins are wiped clean and we can experience times of refreshment that comes for the Lord.