“Do You Know the King?”
Bible Text: Luke 19:28-44 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship | “Do You Know the King?” Luke 19:28-44
Intro: Have you ever had the experience of looking for something and it was right in front of you? Examples: glasses on the top of your head; a pen that is already in your hand, etc…
Can you imagine having the King of kings right in front of you and not recognizing Him?
This is exactly what happened in Jerusalem when Jesus decided it was time to publicly announce He was and is the King of peace.
In this passage, Dr. Luke describes the triumphant entry into Jerusalem on what we have come to call Palm Sunday. We see some valuable insights in this passage that might help us understand a little more about Jesus and about us.
1. Preparation for the Messiah/King of Peace v. 28-31
1. Jesus had prepared beforehand for the donkey with a man in Jerusalem
1. The instructions were specific and direct
2. The key phrase is, “The Lord needs it”.
2. When the disciples went to the man and unties the colt, everything happened as Jesus said.
2. Public Announcement of the Messiah/King of Peace v.31-38
1. Warrior kings rode on white horses
2. Kings of peace rode on a donkey
1. A donkey in the culture of the time was considered a noble animal
2. The laying down of cloaks and branches along the rode was a traditional way which people would greet a kind in the time and culture
3. This was a visual illustration for the people of the time so they might understand that Jesus the Messiah comes as the King of Peace
1. Jesus was loudly shouting via this visual illustration that comes as the King of Peace
1. This of some visual illustrations that the media has used to get their point across…
3. Personal Spiritual Blindness v. 39-44
1. Jesus faced religious blindness v. 39-40
2. Jesus faced cultural blindness and expectations
3. Jesus offered peace to them, but many rejected
1. Jesus wept
2. Jesus predicted the judgement that would come upon Jerusalem because of their spiritual blindness
1. They didn’t recognize the time of God’s coming to them
Closing: What about us today? I believe that God has been trying to get our attention for many years in this country. Yet, we see church attendance in our country diminishing. In our country, see very little activity in our prayer meetings. We have accepted a discipleship model that only produces superficial change in a person’s life.
As we all know, this is not just another typical Palm Sunday. We are faced with some serious circumstances these days. You and I need the King of Peace in our lives. This comes by faith in Christ alone and submitting to Him, His Word, and the Holy Spirit.
Let’s us come together around the Lord’s Table…