Do You Know the Great Physician?
Bible Text: Leviticus 14 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —-
Intro: You go to a physician because you are not feeling well. After the doctor conducts many diagnostic tests, he says that you have a disease with no know cure. He expresses his condolences and sends you on your way. Oh, and by the way, sometimes, he sends you home with a very big bill to pay. How would you feel? Would you feel hopeless, defeated, anxious, and discouraged?
Leviticus 14 deals primarily with the skin disease of leprosy. In the days of Leviticus, it was a terminal disease with no cure. In fact, it took a miracle from God to cure a person with leprosy. Well, the truth of the matter is that we are all born with a terminal disease called sin. This is the rebellious nature against God with we inherit from Adam. The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death…Romans 6:23. We are all suffering from a terminal disease. The only one who can cure us is the Great Physician, Jesus Christ!
In this passage, God gives us several awesome insights into the cure for our terminal disease of sin. God’s miracle cure is the grace and atonement of the cross of Jesus Christ.
1. The Great Physician Comes to You vs. 1-4
1. He seeks those who are ill with sin
1. The outcast
2. The disenfanchized
3. The broken
2. The Great Physician Pays Our Infinite Bill vs. 4-7
1. Our sin creates an infinite debt that we own to God
2. The payment for our debt is the death of a fully acceptable sacrifice that God requires
1. The two birds reminds us of the death and resurrection of Christ
3. The payment is made by the Great Physician Himself on our behalf
1. He died the death we deserve because of our sin
2. His motive is love
4. There is a great transaction that happens in the heart of a person who puts their faith in the finished work of Christ
1. Repentance and faith
2. The cure for sin is applied by faith of the person in Christ
1. Faith applies the cleansing power of Christ’s blood to our souls
3. The Great Physician Performs a Miracle in the Heart of the Person vs. 8-9
1. At the moment of faith, we are pronounce clean because of the great transaction
4. The Great Physician Helps Us Stay Spiritually Healthy
1. His Word
2. The Holy Spirit
3. The Church
4. Worship
5. Prayer
6. Confession and Repentance
Closing: My fear as a pastor is that we start to take for granted what Jesus has done for us! Do we realize that the only cure for our terminal disease of sin is Christ and His cross? For those of us who are Christ followers, it is imperative that you and I build relationships with people and earn the opportunity to tell them about the good news that through Christ, you are I can be cured of our terminal spiritual disease. Can you imagine if a researcher found a cure for a terminal cancer and did not tell anyone? How much more should you and I be motivated to share the good news with other people? You all know about the price of life saving medications have sky rocked in the past few years. The good news of the cure for our terminal spiritual disease is free, because it has been paid for once for all with the blood of Christ!