“Do You Know the Good Shepherd” John 10:1-21 7/30/23
Intro: A shepherd’s job is less prominent today than in Jesus’ time. Being a shepherd was essential in both the Old and New Testaments. Shepherds ensured their flock was fed, led, nurtured, and appropriately protected.
Even though shepherds were important, they were looked upon by their fellow Jews, and the religious establishment believed they were nothing but low-class people. Historians have recorded that when a shepherd came into town, one could smell him before they saw him. People in the city would go out of their way to avoid a shepherd.
God has used shepherds to do remarkable things to advance God’s kingdom. Allow me to give you a few examples; Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, and Amos, to name a few. David gave us a beautiful example of what a good shepherd does. If you remember, he wrote the 23rd Psalm. We will take a look at that. Also, David protected his flock with his own life.
In this pericope in John 10, Jesus introduced Himself to the Pharisees and the religious leaders as the Good Shepherd. We can take great comfort in Jesus being the Good Shepherd. Let’s look at the great insights in this passage and apply them to our lives today.