“Do You Know the Bread Who Gives Life?”
Last week, we spoke of some misconceptions about ministry and following Christ. As we come into the holiday season of Thanksgiving and Christmas, I would like to suggest that there may be some serious misconceptions of what we may be seeking during this holiday season, or, in fact, what we may be seeking even after the holidays.This passage gives us some great insights about searching in the wrong places with nearsighted hearts for things that may satisfy only temporarily. Jesus Christ offers us much more than this world could ever offer. We can enjoy the truly good things of the world, but we need to realize they cannot in themselves satisfy our spiritual hunger.Only the Person and work of Jesus Christ is able to sustain us spiritually now and for all eternity. Beware of Searching for Satisfaction In the Wrong Places v. 25-This passage follows Jesus’s miracle of feeding the 5,000 with five small barley loaves, and two small fishThe people were fed until they were fullThey were amazed and wondered what Jesus would do nextThey saw the disciples get in a boat to go the other side of the lake, but Jesus didn’t get in the boat with themThey waited for Jesus to see what the next sign and wonder would be, but he wasn’t there.To their amazement, they found Him on the other side of the lakeThey were seeking and searching for the wrong thingJesus addressed this shortsightedness directly”Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed, but because you ate the loves and had your fill.” v. 26Jesus tells them to look of the food that endures to eternal life which only the Son of man will give you.Jesus has the Father’s seal of approval. v. 27The people thought they had to work for God’s approval and eternal lifeJesus answered very simply; trust in the One who sent Him!Eternal life is available by faith in the person and work of Jesus ChristThey missed it again; they were looking for another signIt seems they wanted Jesus to make manna fall from the sky againJesus tells them that He is the greater Bread who brings us eternal spiritual life and sustains us. v. 32He is the Bread of heaven. This bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives eternal lifeJesus makes a true and bold declaration; “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty”.Read to v. 40Beware of Grumbling v. 41ffThey mistrusted Jesus and His claimsJesus addressed them directly v. 43He lays out sound theological truth very plainlyThe Jews viewed this as scandalousThey missed the point of an intimate personal relationship with Christ through faith Closing: