Do You Know God’s Radical Invasion of Love?
Bible Text: Micah 5:2-4 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: Many times, God seems to do things that appear to be more than a bit radical. I believe that God operates in this manner to show us that He is God who is perfectly holy, all knowing, all present, and all powerful. Also, God didn’t need twitter to inform the world about His activities. God very carefully communicated through His Word and the prophets about His planned radical invasion of love into our sin darkened world.
The wonder of Christmas is the celebration of the radical invasion of God’s love into this world through the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. I hope the story and true meaning of Christmas never grows old or stale in our lives. So, would you take a quick journey with me through just 2 passages that might help us regain some of the wonder and awe of Christmas.
1. God Informed the World About Jesus (Without Twitter and Social Media) Micah 5:2-4
1. The Messiah King is powerful and just
1. Judgement is coming for the unrepentant
1. Idolatry and unconfessed sin
2. Corruption, deceit, threats, violence, and was widespread
1. The rich were exploiting the poor
2. Government leaders disregarded God and His Word
2. To save and rescue
3. To rule
4. To shepherd
5. His power comes from His Father and the Holy Spirit
6. Remember Jesus was and is eternal e.g. John 1:1; Col. 1:17, Rev. 1:8
7. Jesus’ first coming at Christmas is as the Rescuing Messiah
1. Jesus’ Second coming will be as the cosmic ruler as the King of kings and Lord of lords
2. Hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus, God told the world
1. The Messiah King would come from the smallest tribe
1. Israel needed a rescuer
2. We need a rescuer
3. David was born in Bethlehem
1. Repent, Trust, and Obey
1. The message has never changed
2. Jesus wants to save us from our own sin and its penalty
2. God Keeps His Promises Matthew 2:1-12
1. The Magi, gentiles for a land far in the east, read God’s “Tweet” v. 1-2; 6
1. The King was born in Bethlehem in Judea
2. This fulfilled the prophecy of Micah 5: 2-4
2. This baby caused panic v. 3-8
1. Jesus was a threat to the established powers
2. Jesus was a threat to the established religious system
3. Jesus was a threat to people’s idolarty
3. God’s Radical Invasion of Love in Christ Demands a Response v. 9-12
1. Faith is an active faith
1. Heart, mind and hands
1. The Magi were proactive in their faith
2. They were overwhelmed in the presence of Jesus
3. They humbled themselves and worshiped this baby in the manger
4. They gave Jesus their best
5. They were prophetic
Closing: How incredible and awesome is our God who chooses to work in this way to show us He is God! Many times, He works in ways that surprise us. Examples…
The question today is simple. How will you respond to God’s radical invasion of love?