Do You Know God’s Great Rescue Plan?
Bible Text: Luke 19 | Preacher: Rev. Dr. Lou Saldiveri | Series: Sunday Morning Worship
— Pastor Lou’s Notes —
Intro: Thirty years have passed since, then 18 month old, Jessica McClure fell into a narrow 8 inch wide well in Midland, Texas. She was trapped, injured, and could not move in the well. There was nothing Jessica could do to save her self. Rescuers all pitched in and, after many hours, did for this young toddle what she could not do for herself, rescue her and save her life. The rescuers work non-stop for 58 hours to free her from this narrow well approximately 25 feet under ground.
In a recent interview, Jessica said her life is a miracle and that God was on her side that day. In this passage Luke tells us of even a greater rescue of a Jewish man who was hated and an considered a criminal among his own people. He was a chief tax collector who worked for the Roman government. His name was Zacchaeus.
Somehow, Zacchaeus knew he was a man in spiritual trouble. He had come to a point in his life that he knew he could not rescue himself. He knew he needed a Rescuer who could touch his soul. He must have heard about Jesus who had compassion for tax collectors and sinners. Dr. Luke takes us through Zacchaeus’ journey. There are several lessons we can learn from Zacchaeus:
1. Wealth, Fame, Popularity, etc. does not necessarily lead to inner joy v. 1-2
1. Zacchaeus knew he was in trouble spiritually.
1. He appears to be lonely. The life decisions he made for himself made him an outcast with his own people.
2. The purpose of the 10 Commandments is to help us see how perfectly holy God is and how unholy we are.
1. If we are open to God’s plan to rescue us from our spiritual trouble, we will come to a point that we know there is nothing we can do to rescue ourselves form our own bad choices and rebellion against God.
3. He was hated by his own people and considered a criminal and outcast
1. If you want a picture of what Zacchaeus was like, just look at a rerun of the television show Taxi. He was a lot like Louie Depalma on that show.
2. There are many people like Zacchaeus in our world today. Perhaps it is a dishonest business man; or a corrupt politician or public servant; or a school student who cheats; or a person of poor character…
1. REMEMBER, these are the people for who Jesus came to rescue. People like you and me.
2. Only God’s grace through Jesus Christ can produce inner joy, contentment, and reconciliation v. 3-4
1. Zacchaeus seem to become passionate for a Rescuer who showed love, mercy, and grace to tax collectors and sinners.
1. He wanted to hear for himself the message of the gospel from the Rescuer Himself, Jesus Christ.
2. He was willing determined to hear Jesus no matter what the obstacles or risk to himself.
3. He literally went out on a limb to encounter Jesus
3. Only God’s grace can change the human heart v. 5-7
1. Jesus showed his love for Zacchaeus in very tangible ways
1. He called Zacchaeus by name
2. He wanted close fellowship with Zacchaeus
3. Jesus didn’t care what the self-righteous thought
4. God’s grace leads to the fruit of repentance v. 8
1. Zacchaeus realized the his great debt that Christ was going to pay in full for him.
2. In response to grace, Zacchaeus willingly giving to the poor
3. In response to grace, Zaccheaus willingly to made restitution to those whom he wronged
1. He made restitution far beyond what the Law of his time demanded
5. Jesus is still on a seek and rescue mission v. 9-10
1. Sin separates us from God
1. Whether we realize it or not, sin causes all of us to be lonely and discontented.
2. There is nothing that you or I can ever do to rescue ourselves.
3. We need the Rescuer, Jesus Christ
2. Jesus knows your name
1. He stands ready offer you forgiveness, new life and new purpose through faith in Him alone
2. Everyone who is rescued by the love and grace of Jesus is a miracle
The question this morning is have you responded to the Lord Jesus Christ? Have you trusted in Him? Do you know that He died to pay the full penalty for your rebellion against God in your place? Will you experience His forgiveness? Will you let Him give to you new life and new purpose?
For those of us who know Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, we can confidently and lovingly share the gospel with others, because Jesus is still on a seek and rescue mission! This is the message of Christmas, Easter, and everyday.